chapter twenty-one

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[the castle landscape is shown, switching to the Gryffindor quidditch team]

Oliver: i spent all summer  devising a whole new quidditch program. we're going to train earlier, harder and longer. what-? i don't believe it! [the Slytherin team is shown all dressed in their uniforms, ready to practice]

groans are heard all through the great hall

Oliver wood: where  do you think your going, flint?

Marcus flint: quidditch practice

Oliver wood: i booked the pitch for Gryffindor today 

Marcus flint: easy wood , I've got a note

Oliver wood: i, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing the need to train their new seeker

the quidditch team look to see that their head of house doesn't even seem interested they all share confused looks not seeing the smirk on the oldest potters face 

"what did you do mi Regina?"

"why must you always suspect me my love?" Kat asks with a pout making Marvolo look at her with a deadpanned expression "oh fine so i did something just watch" she rolls her eyes ignoring the smug look on Marvolos face  

Oliver wood: you've got a new seeker? who?

[the team parts, Draco stepping forward smugly, harry looks at him in disbelief while Kat looks furious]

Harry: Malfoy?

Draco: that's right, and that's not all that's new this year [ the Slytherin team show off their new brooms]

Ron: those are nimbus 2001s, how did you get those?

 Marcus flint: a gift from Draco's father

Katarina: really? your so lucky Mr. flint i wish i was lucky like that  [Kat say hers words dripping in sarcasm making the Slytherin team flush]

Draco: [Draco hesitates for a second] you see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best 

Narcissa glares at her husband who shifts uncomfortably under her gaze

Hermione: at least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent

Draco winces and try's to move away from his mother knowing what he's about to say but seeing this she grabs him by the ear and pulls him back "ouch mother please that's my ear" he wines making Kat laugh at how childish he sounds

Draco: no one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! I SHOULD WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT YOU APOLAGISE RIGHT NOW AND YOU MEAN IT!" Draco looks down before looking toward a smug Hermione and pulls a face that screams utter distain before forcing out the words

"I'm.....Sorry" Hermione has to fight the laugh wanting to come out at his pitiful apology but nods in acceptance  

"on that note my house knows my dislike for that word and should I catch anyone saying it or even thinking of saying it, you will serve the rest of the school year in detention with me and lose house point" the Slytherins nod is fear the other houses look shocked since snape never takes points from his own house

[Katarina is seen glaring at the blonde who suddenly wishes he could travel back in time to take back what he said, the Gryffindor team gasp and glare at Draco, harry looking confused]

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