chapter twenty-two

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(small author note at the end of this chapter )

[the screen pans to Katarina who is sitting on her bed with her curtains drawn staring at the small black diary that cami gave her before the start  the year]

Katarina: i know what your plan is [she whispers to the book with a fierce glare on her face]

"why are you talking to a book?" cho chang from ravenclaw asks with a scoff making kat roll her eyes she will never understand why her brother likes her shes so boring and kat has seen here bully other students multiple time's

"none of your business chang" is all kat says before looking back at the screen  

Katarina: i should destroy you for what you were planning i could do it [ kat mutters darkly] but i won't because i have a feeling your someone important to me now that i have you closer to me [kat sighs and puts the book under her pillow before leaving the room, the screen zooms in on her pillow before fading out again]

Marvolo looks to his queen with raised brows and a small smirk playing on his lips, he remembers this clearly from when he merged all his horcrux's last year, not that she knows this of course well that's what he thinks, i mean come on kat knows everything 

[the screen changes to harry in a classroom with Lockhart]

Gilderoy: harry, harry... can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?

Harry: not really... only about a million [harry whispers the last part under his breath so Lockhart doesn't hear him]

the Weasley twins howl with laughter along with Sirius who is Rollin on the floor like a dog...(get it? no i thought it was funny)

"oh hades i didn't know you had a sense of humor" kat jokes to her brother making him roll his eyes

Gilderoy: fame is a fickle friend, harry. celebrity is as celebrity does. remember that 

???: Come...Come to me. come to me

"what is that?!" a second year Ravenclaw cries out in shock, the voice sent shivers down everyone's spines as the terror in the room rose

Harry: what?

Gilderoy: sorry?

Harry: that voice

Gilderoy: Voice?

"wait so only harry heard it?" a fifth year Gryffindor asks confused 

"well no but in this scene yes just keep watching" Kat replies keeping her eyes on the screen 

Harry: didn't you hear that? [ harry is then seen walking out of the room, stopping when he hears the strange chilling voice again]

???: blood. i smell blood. let me rip you

Hermione: harry!

Everyone jumps at the sudden appearance of Hermione but also the strange voice and what it was saying, marvolo looks down in shame he hated what he became what he had done if only a time turner could go back that far and replace his new fixed soul with his old broken soul he would do everything differently well maybe not everything

Harry: did you hear that?

Ron: hear what?

Harry: that... Voice

Hermione: Voice? what voice?

Harry: [ Harrys eyes dart around as though he's waiting for someone to jump out at him] i heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again, just..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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