Chapter six

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 after everyone has calmed down with their questions the movie continues playing 

Katarina is there a way to remove all these king ragnuk?

King ragnuk: indeed for a price of 30 galleons

Katarina: very well take them from any vault i would also like a copy of all my transactions sent to me if that's ok? i unfortunately don't think i would have time to get through it all todays

Ragnuk: indeed very well follow me ill lead you to our healer goblins 

[Kat follows to a small room with a pool in the center]

Ragnuk: this is healer vita she will be performing you ritual 

Vita: change into this and lay down i must warn you it will be very painful

Kat stands up and grabs her two youngest she has lived through this she didn't want them to see or hear she never really told anyone how painful it really was or what happened, marvolo and harry give her a look but she shakes her head at them  they understand that she will be fine she walks out of the great hall with a twin on each hip 

[Kat nods and walks to a small changing room puts on the black robes and returns laying down in the water a few healer goblins surround her as they start to chant in gobbledygook at first Kat feel nothing then its like she's being put under a powerful crucio she starts to whimper trying to hide the pain not wanting to show weakness but she cant hold it in and lets out a gut wrenching scream that appears to have shaken the room ]

everyone in the great hall flinches at the sound, Marvolo makes it a plan to get his hands on Dumbledore and make him feel everything she felt his fists clenched so hard he had white knuckles and their kids and harry weren't much better off 

Kats kids had heard about how bad it was on accident when their father finally managed to get their mum to tell him and they hated actually hearing it 

[after a few minutes Kat passes out from the pain. about 5 minutes later she groggily open her eyes and shakily stands up. she looks at the water in horror swirls of red black and dark green are seen in the water]

Vita: the colors represent the blocks potions and compulsions we also discovered something else but we will let you get dressed first and king ragnuk will explain it to you 

[Kat nods numbly starring at everything in front of her she can feel her magic is stronger now and she can feel the bond that she read about on the test she will have to buy more books and look into who this T.M.R is she shakes her head and gets dressed before knocking on king ragnuk door after being told to enter she walks in and sits down in front of him again]

Ragnuk: feeling better i hope lady potter?

Katarina: much thank you very much your majesty healer vita said they discovered something else and that you would explain?

Ragnuk: indeed it appears you have what we call a horcrux 

Marvolo tenses at this, making the horcrux was the worst thing he ever did and he prays that his beloved was never subjected to such dark and foul magic 

Katarina: what's a horcrux?

Ragnuk: its a very dark magic it splits a person soul normally one would only do it once it basically makes one immortal but it appears as the soul in your scar is very small that the person may have don't it many times willingly or unwillingly we can't be to sure

Katarina: and who was this person if you don't mind me asking?

Ragnuk: lord Voldemort  

gasps are heard through out the great hall as everyone looks at Kat as she re enters the great hall now holding two sleeping 5 year old's 

"does that mean in order for Voldemort to die you have to have the horcrux inside you destroyed?" one asks

"in a way yes but in a way no i had mine removed and placed in a different object and its very safe now but had i never found out then yes i would have had to die in order for Voldemort to be killed" this makes Marvolo let out a breath yet he is still slightly tense, as kat sits down she passes the sleeping twins to her older twins who happily take their baby siblings and turns to Marvolo with a small smile and grabs his hand not much but a small amount of comfort for him, Narcissa turns to Dumbledore

"did you know? did you know that in order for the dark lord to be killed an innocent girl and boy have to die? did you plan all this!?!" Dumbledore looked down in shame giving everyone the answer they need madam bones adding even more against him at this rate he will be getting the dementor kiss straight away

[Kats sight blurs as a vison hits her her eyes glow a faint gold making the kind look very intrigued at the girl, a house is shown aswell as a man in a dark cloak but the screen zooms in on a man with a long white beard behind him with an evil grin on his face, gates are blasted open as is the door the man is seen looking at an older man in glasses with pleading eyes]

Tom: i'm so sorry im so so sorry

[is heard over and over again before a green light hits the man making him fall to the ground with a thud the screen then shows a red haired women standing in front of two cribs tears running down her face the nursery door gets blasted off and the man starts pleading her to move]

Tom: please i cant stop please move

Lily: i cant, you cant do this to him or to us its not fair!

[she screams at the figure behind tom]

??: step aside lily no one else has to die just the girl and boy

Lily: never you stupid old coot, sev was right we never should have trusted you!!

[before she can say another word the old man hits her with the killing curse as she falls to the ground, tom is seen choking out a sob muttering over and over again how sorry he is before anything can happen the killing curse is shot at the twins but it rebounds and hits tom he screams before fading to dust it then zooms in on the two lightning bolt scars before fading back to Kats face]

no one can move tears running down everyone's faces knowing they just saw the true deaths of lily and james potter 

"you saw all that? at 11?" draco asks Kat who nods sadly having forgotten about that with everything else that going on

"i did and more as the movies progress you will see that but you all have your proof the dark lord never wanted to kill us or our parents in fact he tried so hard to fight the imperious curse but your precious leader of the light used a liquid form nearly impossible to fight off" Kat says looking at amelia bones who nods

"i have a feeling you know who the dark lord is Kat given what we saw along with what the goblin said about willingly or unwillingly it might be best to question him under veritaserum aswell find out everything we can" Kat nods happily the man she plans to spend the rest of her life with may be free at last 

noticing he hasn't moved though she turns to him and sees his wide eyes before he looks to Kat, the look in his eyes breaks her heart his mouth slightly open as he try's to come up with the right words for what has just been seen, for what an 11 year old had to watch, Kat places a very strong notice-me-not charm over them and grab's his face in her hands and wipes the few tears that have fallen

"i love you, and this" she gestures to the paused screen "what we just saw that wasn't you that was never you i know the real you and i fell in love with the real you 2 years ago, Marvolo i never blamed you" he nods mutely looking at Kat as a few more tears still fall freely

"please Tom don't blame yourself" she pulls him into a short but sweet kiss and wipes away the last of his tears before cuddling into him and removing the charm over them 

harry looks at his sister and gives her a gesture asking if he's ok she nods slightly harry knows at some point he will have to talk to tom and explain that he may have only just learnt the truth recently but he forgives him and gives him, his blessing to be with his sister

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