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Ayano pov.

'today was a normal day just like yesterday but I had a gut feeling something was wrong I couldn't sleep for a long time trying to figure out what was making me upset'

I started the day like any other day but today I chose to wear the school formal uniform, a white button-up shirt and a long blue skirt with black leggings and dress shoes

Lately, it's been hard and I've been in deep thoughts I don't ro honestly his only average and has nothing interesting about him

But I've acted like I'm crushing on him because people are always bringing up something about my mother the person I like is Osana

But he has crush on taro for this whole year I've been trying to pair taro up with one of his crazy lovers while acting as I love him so I can see what they mean about my mother

I walked to school with a grin on my face I couldn't wait to see him but I soon went to my emotionless expression if someone saw me my whole plan would be ruined

I went to the classroom and sat down I was super early this gave me time to write in my diary about what I've found so far

Dear diary. 11/02/2006

I'm one step closer to finding what is going on with my mother and why most rich families fear her

So far I've found out she did something bad to get dad in her high school days I have a theory of what she might have done

Did she kill for love?

It's now day 90 that I've pretended to be emotionless and only like taro

The people I need the information from will only give it to me if I act like her

I've never had a crush on taro I have a crush on his best friend

Today I'll get the last information I need to solve this case I won't lose to these simple-minded people that everyone is like their parents

Like hello? I'm my own person they piss me off after I'm done I'm thinking of moving closer to my BFF he lives in Spain

I know I have a crush on him... But it's only puppy love I'll found someone else one day but until then I'll continue to admire him from afar

Fair well Ayano signing off

It's now 8 am students should start pouring into school it's now time for the last part of my plan the last of the information I need is in the principal's office

I'll sneak in at morning tea and get the things then I'll go to the rooftop to read or watch what's going on

Timeskip to morning tea

Walking to the principal's office I saw a teacher rushing out and the principal following the teacher ' I don't know what's going on but whatever it is I'll find out later I remember the code for the lock it was 1978 I think mum was in her 4th year of high school then'

I took the file and put it in my bag and walked out of the office and up the stairs to the roof

When I opened the door there was no one on the roof but then I heard something I peeked around the corner to see

Osana kissing someone I don't know why but it felt like my whole world was breaking or falling apart

My face felt wet I touched my check to catch a tear it's been years since I've cried, my hands were shaking and my knees were trembling

I slammed the door and ran down the stairs and jumped the school fence

Everything after that was a blur when I came back to my sense the sky was orange and purple I was sitting in a park crying out my heart and soul

"....why am I so upset I knew this would happen sooner or later but why does it hurt so bad to see it" I sobbed out

"Sometimes it hurts no matter how much you expect it to happen," miso said I looked up at her this was a girl that had everything she ever wanted

"How...do you know" I whispered she looked at me with a pitiful smile " money can't buy everything it can't buy my mother's life back it was my fault after all " mission said

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