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3rd person pov.

Ayano came home after talking to misoa in the park her mind clouded with sadness and anger

There was a travelling ticket on her Bench in the kitchen she stared at it for 5 minutes then picked it up

' maybe going to this resort will clear my mind so I see things clearly, I need a fresh start new faces new friends and a... New life it's a 5-week trip I might as well use it

I'll take a dress go out for the night at 9 pm I'll take cash out go to a pub leave my phone there to cover up my tracks in case someone follows me I'll get contacts to change eye colour from black to green

I'll take a dress go out for the night at 9 pm I'll take cash out go to a pub leave my phone there to cover up my tracks in case someone follows me I'll get contacts to change eye colour from black to green

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I dyed my hair like this

Then I'll go the boat but first I'm going to cover my tracks and lead them astray

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Then I'll go the boat but first I'm going to cover my tracks and lead them astray

Time skip
I was on the ship it would a couple of days to get there I felt like I was forgetting something but I couldn't remember what

I was sitting in between two people one was reading the other was asleep it was going to be a long ride

" You look like you've been crying, too attached to family?" he said still reading the newspaper he had

" no sir..." I said, was it that easy to tell " ah I know that look you're here to revent yourself" he said

" Something like that sir but much more" I said a small smile came across my face ' it's been to long since I've been able to be myself it feels nice not Acting like someone or something I'm not'

"Wanna talk about it kid, it's better to let it out then keep it all in" he said I thought about it for a while before speaking up " well... If you insist everyone thinks I'm my mother in every single way apparently I'm not my own person I'm just a another version of my mum " I said tears were starting to pour down my face again

" I'm not allowed to be anyone else but her they don't even give me a chance I've never been able to be myself since I started high school...they treat me like a monster that will snapp at simple things " I said my tears becoming a waterfall I was looking at the floor

" It's so hard and they make it that way I want to be myself but all they see is my mother and I never know why, I thought someone was my best friend but I was just entertainment to them a muse to a end, the last hope was probably my crush but I found him kissing someone on the roof top..." I choked the words out

I felt a hand on my shoulder " I'm sorry it's that way for you, people should never blame the child for their parents actions, I don't care what the parent has done treating the child the same is unfair " he said

"First love will always be hard you'll feel like you're dying and world has shattered but it will get better and soon you'll look back at this and laugh one day, find new people to call friends he'll go out to a party and kiss someone random if want to feel something let loose " he said

It sounds like he talks from experience but I won't pry into it " thanks sir for the advice" I said his hand on my shoulder went back to his newspaper " just remember you're still young they'll be someone else when you feel really down get help " he said

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