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3rd pov.

The coast guard and other services are trying to find their location on the island

And many nurses are prepared for when the citizens are going to be found, families were calling the island wanting to know if their loved ones have made it out or weren't in the avalanche

News reporters were now everywhere as the caves the people were hidden in were being slowly uncovered

People's hearts were dropping at the possibility that everyone has either died from injury or was frozen or died of hunger

The minutes felt like hours when the digging was going on someone shouting could be heard

Injured people were slowly moving and some were being carried out by others

Medics surrounded everyone that came out

Timeskip 7 hours later

Everyone was getting airlifted to the nearest hospital or getting taken by the boats that came and were rushed to the hospital

At least 30 injuries and 20 fetal deaths, with 40 suffering from frostbite or worse the authorities were called in to keep the news reporters from the injured people that were still in shock

Families were the only ones allowed in the hospital for the time being

" Are the others gonna be alright doc?" are asked limping to a chair " stop moving you're gonna hurt yourself, even more, the ones you've asked about haven't woken up yet? " the doc said

"Ugh you at least let me see Ming then doc," are asked, " I guess I can no one have come for her yet are you her family?" Doc asked helping are up

"She's my new girlfriend, doc," arii said the doc raised an eyebrow " new?" He asked "she...ouch go easy on me doc it's my first time, as I was saying she asked me out before she passed out," arii said a small grin came across his face

" Horrible timing for asking someone out you hopeless romantics," the doc said and shook his head

" Nah man you just don't get it, we were holding on to each other for dear life looking into each other eyes while the world was falling apart around us, she pulled me into a kiss and the world slowed down, " arii said sighing

The doctor shook his head " remind me not to let you watch movies for a while, while you're here" he said

" hmm, heyy whatchu mean doc," arii said rolling his eyes

Time skip 5 days later

"Do we know the situation about Ayano?" Andrew said and arii, making shook their heads

" from what the doctor said both her legs were broken she lost a lot of blood they put her in a medical coma," Kaleb said

" she going to be able to walk again?" Maya asked everyone was quiet for a while "well after lots of physiotherapy maybe but it'll take a while this isn't something she'll be able to just get up from " ming said

" long," the others said looking at ming " it could be months or years depending on how bad it is," she said

A couple of hours later,

" so doctor how long is she going to be under?" Megami asked looking at Ayano she was in a special care unit

" she should be waking up by next week but she's gonna need a few hours by herself in case she passes out from shock or stress," the doctor said

" how's that in with her?" Magami asked pointing to the male asleep on the chair

"Oh that's darkness he was with her the whole time in the cave he brought her out and looked after her," the doctor said

Magami nodded not knowing why she felt jealous of the man that got to hold her so close

She took a deep breath and walked in grabbing a chair and sitting beside Ayano's bed

"Come on Ayano you gotta get up, you didn't go this far for nothing " Magami whispered and kissed Ayano's hand

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