mother's backstory

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Part 1. Unknown pov.

They say all serial killers first moves are planned what if this one's first was a accident

This poor girl was in a dumpster bin stabbed in the heart the body was moved from where it was whoever killed her was with her until she passed

They closed the girls eyes but at first we thought it was an accidental death but we were wrong this was only the beginning of the biggest lie ever told

Let's travel to the beginning of this story where it all begun in 1938

A girl named Ryoba aishi she fell in love with someone out of her lead and many others had fallen in love with him too girls that had more of a chance to date him then girl

At first she saw them as a friendly competition but days turned into weeks an weeks turned into months

After a while she started realising that she couldn't have him by any normal means she'd have to do something about her competition once and for all and maybe do the unthinkable

After while she went crazy with want and need after seeing all the girls going after something she claimed as her was enough to send her mad

Ryoba came up with an unthinkable idea someone was going to confess their feeling towards him she couldn't stand it so she did something about it

Anne Hathaway was the first victim it was a accident but after the first she became more smart more agile , more cunning

The second was sung Lee pushed of the roof into the trash burner , brunt alive and no one heard her Screams or pleas for mercy

Her body was charred the police only figured it out after checking through all the family and who came home

3rd was Nancy Grey beaten to death with a bat that had nails in the police suspect that she was tortured before beaten to death

4th two girl they were best friends they were missing at different times a day after each other came to school and had a gun down they were Ali Mo and Ashley Gohand friends since they were baby's

5th was Sela Ward was hanged up by her hands until she couldn't couldn't pull up to catch her breath they say that she could have been their for hours struggling to breathing crying for help not yelling because she need her breath

After most of her competition was gone now was his best friend but she was a skilled fighter there's no way she could fight her

So she came up with a plan this one was going to be her most cunning plan yet

She put one a pair of gloves and got the sword that Elis Thomson trained with everyday she went to her last victim Allie haze

She butcherd her with the sword cutting her stomach and chopped her head off she left the sword there and took off at home waiting for everything to be found

The next day Elis Thomson went to jail for the murders she got her lover while a innocent girl rot in a cell for what she had done

The asihs natural born killers someone who should at birth we've always kept an eye on her how did we not found out about her child?

A devil in a human body.... history repeating itself or is it not ?

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