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3rd pov

After a while Ayano's parents came back and worried about their little girl

The doctors explained the situation more to them at this point it was a waiting game

As the days went by they hot to know Ayano's new friends and what she was doing on her holidays

The were proud of their little girl and her friends but the also got to know the person who saved her life pretty well

" Don't worry Ms asihi ayano is strong she'll wake up soon " arii said

"Well yes our little girl has been through a lot" Ryoba said smiling holding her husband's hand

" She'll get through this we'll make sure of that " Mr asihi said

" She's going to need lots of help once she wakes up are you two prepared for it " the doctor said

" Yes we are we've organised help for her " they said, they were grieving for their little girl after they were told why she was on holidays

" Husband do you think we should move her?" Ryoba asked he shook his head " moving her would probably cause stress we can move when we know she's stable" he said

Over the next few days the akademi high school sent Ayano's class to visit her the gave her a gaint get better soon card

Ryoba on the over hand was itching in rage at how these people act like they've done nothing wrong

But it soon got interesting as she saw megami enter Ayano's room and sit down stroking her cheek

She recognised that silver hair from anywhere their was no way to forget it

" Ayano... I'm sorry you hear me please wake up I know I don't deserve you're forgiveness but I can't forgive you if you don't wake you" megami said

' what the fuck... Is she narcissistic or something?' Ryoba thought

Timeskip, Ayano's pov.

' I must be in the hospital, I hope everyone else got out alright... Hm whose holding my hand? Did mum & dad get called' I thought

I opened my eyes but it was blurred I heard the person muttered something

My ears were ringing so I couldn't hear her " Grandma?" I called out I saw several figures just stop

It looked like they were laughing I saw the figure in front of turn a shade of red

After a couple of minutes I was able to see clearly "mum? Dad"I said

" Hey baby,how are you" Ryoba said playing me my hair, this was the first time I've ever seen her smile like that

" I'd lying if I said I've been better" I said dad grinned at me " was that grandma that was there before?" I asked

Mum and dad laughed at me " no dear that was megami" dad said after that everything went black

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