their backstory

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Unknown pov.

After all the work we, 25 people have put in we have failed to keep the people from harm

We may go to hell when we die but it'll all be worth it the younger generations will thank us one day

Or look down on us when the asihes got pregnant we've found out that the child will eventually turn up to be like their parents the firstborn is the yandere

That is what we've seen so far no one knows why the second born and ones after that are not alike maybe one day we'll know

We came up with an idea that was terrible, horrible even we decided to cause miscarriages to the pregnant woman of the family

We've kept an eye on all of the women so we could stop the children from being born but after a while

They got more sneaky more intelligent they started disappearing we couldn't find out where they've gone two even our best trackers couldn't find where they've disappeared too

For years we lost our minds for the fact that we've lost them was this God's punishment for killing all those unborn children

Maybe we all are alike all of our destinations are for the hell we'll probably never be forgiven for our crimes but can you blame us?

I guess this was the worst idea we've ever had how can we return to our wives and want kids of our own when we've killed so many ourself

We are hypocrites the worst kind of hypothetical people I hope the gods ne

After Ryoba disappeared for 5 years she came back with a toddler

Our crew lost their minds at this and were figuring out a way to 'deal' with the toddler but after another five years we were unsuccessful

But then I noticed something how the child looks nothing like her parents I asked the police showing Ryoba a picture what they said shocked me

Their....child is adopted she is infertile I shared this with the crew when the girl was 14 everyone was pale in the face

We've spent so long trying to kill an innocent Girl after getting blackout drunk I remember going to a fortune teller

She said we were cursed for what we have done that one of ours is what we've killed dozens of unborn children for

I was frightened her words stuck in my head one of our children might be a yandere this is our fault

Why are we to receive this punishment we thought we were doing the world a favour I guess this is what you get for trying to play god

Taking things into your own hands has a punishment and we just got served our

Our kids are way too intelligent they know all of this, everything we gave them the information they've pretended to be normal to be one of us

But whom of them are now our enemies whom of ours will we have to kill ourselves could bring ourselves to even do it?

After all, we deserve it we've taken so many lives without thinking about it

I've left my home, my wife, my kids they are all left behind I am indeed a very selfish person

For I cannot bring myself to kill my children or my friend's children

Maybe I can do one last thing and put the known killer away behind bars one good thing Maybe we'll be forgiven

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