you do know she's adopted right?

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3rd pov.

The police we're gathering all the information they could on Ayano and her where abouts

So far all they've dug up is her phone and hair dye they've been pulling out their hair trying to find her

"What's taking so long to find her!" Magami yelled out in frustration her dad has put a lot of pressure on her to find ayano

And was threatening her to bring her brothers in because they could do a better do then her ' oh when I find that girl I'm going to pull those adorable chubby cheeks of hers until she understands my pain!! Wait did I just think she was adorable' Magami thought a blush spread across her face

"Hey Magami I've found information on Ayano well not on her disappearance but information on her " shiromi said

Magami called a student council meeting with the others " well what is this information you found " Akane said crossing her arms she was clearly annoyed about this situation

Shiromi nodded at Kuroko " here I'll read it out to you, Mr & Ms asihi have adopted Cecelia sung Ming from Hawaii after her parents died in the volcanic eruption they have changed her name to ayano asihi blah blah blah...." Kuroko said

"She' know what that means right?" Magami said her face has gone pale " that we've all ruined a good friendship with her because we thought we was a killer?" Akane said sarcastically

Everyone grew silent some of them already knew she was never a killer nor a yandere they just wanted to ruin her life or frame her for what they've done after all she was the perfect target

"But... She had left us a clue to find the killer the newspaper club is already working on she talked about a hooded figure that was always there at the scene of the crime " shiromi said

Maybe in the future they could find a way to rekindle their relationship but they all want to solve the murder case or do they?

Ayano pov.

'Everything has be great so far I love watching the sunsets and surfing  I honestly never thought I'd enjoy the beach because of sand getting in places it shouldn't be but everything has been like a dream here' Ayano thought

" Hey aya wanna head down to the gazebo get some food & watch the sunset " arii said he was sunburnt terribly

"Sure! What is for dinner?"I said " chicken fettuccine it's amazing come come let's goooo" arii said

' not only have I enjoyed the new environment and friends but also trying new food I remember arii telling me all about his mum's cooking , I kinda wish I had that realtionship with my parents' ayano thought

Getting food and watching the sunset it was beautiful I felt my heart flip I could get used to this

Getting food and watching the sunset it was beautiful I felt my heart flip I could get used to this

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A/N: not my picture I got it from Zedge

"So what are you gonna do when you go back?" Arii questioned " I I don't know Maybe continue to move to Spain you know...I have someone their I'd love to meet" Ayano said but she sounded unsure

"Wellll if you get tired of Spain can us visit me in Australia" arii said with grin

"What's it like there in Australia" ayano said she was curious about it " it's hot & cold yes we have deadly animals but you don't see them that often, the beaches are beautiful we have all different cultures there so it gets interesting , yes we have certain types of people we hate but hey who doesn't?" Arii explained

"Sooo what beach would you recommend?" Ayano asked she was paying attention "hmm not Bondi beach too much things happen if you want quite and spacious I'd go to the sunshine coast it has great views and beaches not to loud not to quite " arii said

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