is she gone?

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3rd pov

A/N: the pov only begins when they start to notice something isn't right I've talked to friend about this situation let's just say if you hate someone you're not  going to notice their missing if you hate them it'll take longer for them to notice and longer to report missing and the school only sees her as a killer like her mum so her going missing or not coming to school will not affect them

It's now been 2 months since Ayano hasn't shown up at school a few Started to get suspicious

She hasn't been here and yet there are deaths happening

Week One
Everything thing was peaceful for a while without having to worry about a creepy girl stalking you, after all, no one noticed her not here even all the teachers ever noticed

Week Two
The students are uneasy even the camera from the school haven't seen Ayano enter the school or come close to enter or come near the school since before last week

Some are nervous about what is she planning

Week three

The student council came into the class " okay have any of you seen ms. as she hasn't attended school for a while it's unacceptable behaviour" Magami said folding her arms

The students talked among themselves before looking at Magami one girl raised her hand and Magami nodded at her

"W well don't get me wrong I went to her house a couple of weeks ago it looked abandoned so after another week I asked her Neighbours," she said

Whispers were going around the room something like this was unexpected "and?" Magami questioned " they said she hasn't been home..... in 2 months," she said looking down

" W what? Magami choked out everyone could see the shock in her face 4

Then all the informed students about Ryan's habit' knew why she was shocked if she's not here who's killing

Week four

The newspaper club members have now trashed everything they know about the killer was it possible she was just creepy

Now pulling out their hair and feeling guilty but will they ever apologise for what they have done

Week five

The police were finally notified of Ayano's disappearance but they were also fuming because she could be dead or worse

And it took them 2 months and five weeks to notice she was missing after a long time the police discovered

How truly lonely this teenage girl was did she ever have friends?

Her phone was found months ago at a nightclub even info kun wondered how she got in there he was the only one in town to get this kind of stuff

Week six

The student council was in the stadium with everyone else when someone stood up " I have some information on Ayano I found something about her I think it's her diary" a guy said and began reading things out important things

Dear diary 1/01/2020

Students here have treated me different from normal like they know something I heard someone say something about my mother

After a while, I figured out how to get the information I had to pretend to be emotionless and lovesick with some plain guy

Dear diary

It's hard to pretend to be emotionless and in love with a normal average guy but I want to find out what they know about my mother

Dear diary

I almost lost my act in school hearing people talk shit about me like I'm a killer or a monster I almost broke down crying

I felt like calling my mum and just asking her but I don't think I'd get an answer

I don't know what my mum has done but after all the information I've gathered I think she must have done something pretty bad

Dear diary 9/06/2006

I'm almost there to figuring it out I've gotten a crush recently U think everyone thinks I'm stalking the plain guy in all honesty I don't even know his name I don't like him but I like his friend

After school hours I was cleaning the classrooms when I heard a blood Curling scream I almost jumped out of my skin the scream came from just outside of the school I think

I checked the whole school and I didn't find anything suspicious but when I walked out I saw some guy or girl standing stop of a building watching

It was creepy but I can't tell someone about it who'd believe me but after that, it got worse whenever I looked up I spotted the figures on the roof at first I thought it was the delinquents

But I'm pretty sure they have fear of heights so it couldn't be even the student council wouldn't be as creepy to do this and they take creepy to another level

I've seen them sneaking around I took black belt classes as a kid after an accident happened something as simple as being followed or tailed I will always notice

Tomorrow I'm going to get the last of the information I need then I'm leaving for Spain theirs someone I want to meet but I have a very bad feeling about tomorrow

If something does happen I know no one will notice as they are fake friends or attention seekers looking to make fun of things they could never understand

I know that they use me for some type of amusement or a toy

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