the hurricane & avalanche

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3rd pov.

As the days go by it was getting colder real fast snow was falling coverings the mountain tops in beautiful patches of snow and ice

Ice forming in all different shapes and sizes was the perfect time for making snowmen and snow angels, ice skating

The lakes are frozen over it was beautiful and see-through all the marine life still going about their day 

The frozen lakes were all popular visits over the days no one gave much thought that it was storm season all too busy going sightseeing

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The frozen lakes were all popular visits over the days no one gave much thought that it was storm season all too busy going sightseeing

"Hey good morning Ayano," Maya said she was holding a mug of caramel cappuccino Ayano smiled " morning Maya, what are we doing today?" Ayano said

"We're going hiking with a group of other people, you coming?" Andrew said "yeah, I go I've never been hiking before," Ayano said

"Don't worry we'll all be in a group so we're safe?" Maya said at first it was bright out there was no cloud insight


As they made their way up the hiking trails in the mountain it was mid-day and things were taking a look for the worse " should we turn around?" Ming said looking up at the sky " we need to find the other first " Kaleb said

The sky had gone almost black and the thunder grumbling its loudest, the lighting shaking the ground even the trees were bending over from the force of the wind

Screaming was echoing from all around " what's going on" ming yelled " avalanche!!!" Someone yelled out everyone running and pushing overs to get to safety the hurricane was coming over the mountain at the same time

"Quick quick theirs a cave over here " someone yelled out unsure if anyone heard him so followed him then everything went white

A few days later.
(Warning sad alert)

Meanwhile, the police at Akademi high " hello sir, were here to see one of your students " an officer said, " oh which one?" The principal said " the one called info tell him to meet us in the student's Council room

Timeskip- after the cops ask info kun to hack into ayano new phone to see or hear what's going on

Faint huffing and puffing could be heard it sounded like they've run a marathon

" Do you think they'll come to save us?" someone said in a Shakey voice "it's so cold??????????????" another said

" Are you alright Ayano " a man called out shuffling towards her she winced in pain " I..think my legs are broken?" Ayano said she chuckled a little

" You think or you know?" He smirked checking her legs two bones were sticking out

He took off his scarf and tied it around the legs applying pressure to it Ayano was struggling to stay awake

" Wanna tell me what that laugh was for?" He said making her talk to hopefully keep her awake

" Hehe... Don't you think it's funny that after everything and I left like a sane person would've and tried to get my life on track I'm nowhere dying heh," she said

He frowned " whatever did they do to you," he said he sat down with Ayano between his legs trying to keep her warm

Everyone in the council office was panicking the police officers had called emergency services

Info kun face had gone pale his fingers slightly shaking

" Well first of all they think I'm someone who kills for love, they've treated me like shit ever since kindergarten, they treat me like a monster my whole life and dared to think I fell in love with a plain boring boy I was in love with his friend until I saw him kissing someone," she said and chuckled

Others listening to their conversation in the cave didn't have to see his face to know that this man was furious

They could sense the anger rolling off of him

" But you know what hurts the most..." She said, " what is it?" He said holding her closer " all the broken nose and taunting didn't hurt it was watching my friends become old memories it was like in a second they became the devil going out of their way to hurt me they threw 14 years of friendship down the drain" she sobbed out

" Watching them be happy because they've successfully ruined my day!!! Then have the audacity to ask for more... Huh!!! Where do they get the nerve I can't give anymore!! I have nothing left I gave and gave while they just threw it out like it's garbage they took all myself love and threw it down fucking hell" she yelled out while sobbing

"Why can't they see they took everything!!, Everything I had to give but so fucking greedy to ask me for more and treat me like I'm the bad guy when I can't give anything to them what did I fucking do to deserve this " she sobbed out

The Officer was in shock and had tears running down their face ' no wonder why she ran away,  how could someone treat a person like this man I swear these kids get more heartless as the days go by' they thought

Others had their heads hanging low knowing that some of them are the cause of her pain

" I never told you my name little lady my name is darkness I know right" he grinned but his heartfelt pain for the little girl he was holding

" I'll tell you about myself, you and I are not so different," darkness said

Ayano nodded her throat was burning she desperately needed something to drink it had been four days since they'd been stuck

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