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Jin opened his eyes to a dark, cold room. But a pair of arms was keeping him warm, wrapped around his waist and chest. He slowly removed them so he can get up, then he tiptoed his way to the bathroom, careful not to make any noise.

He closed the door silently, then walked to the sink. As he reached for the faucet, he paused for a moment and stared at his face at the mirror. He breathes in deeply, trying to control his emotions. But his tears just slowly streamed down his cheeks. He kept silent as he watched himself cry.

Jin then whispered, "What are you doing, Jin?!" As soon as those words escaped his lips, he wiped his tears and quickly opened the faucet. He splashed his face with water, washing his tears off. Then he sighed deeply and forced a stiff smile, more like a smirk, to himself at the mirror.

After taking a shower, he wrapped his lower half with a towel and walked out the bathroom. He was surprised to see Yoongi already staring at him, sitting on the bed and leaning his back on the headboard.

But Jin didn't say a word, he walked around the room, gathering his clothes scattered on the floor. He shook them clean before putting them on.

"Where are you going, Jan?! It's still too early. I thought you're spending the night with me."

"Well, it's morning already, isn't it? So literally, I've already stayed the night."

Yoongi sighed and stood up to pull Jin for a hug, "Come on, it's only four in the morning. It's still so early, we have plenty of time for another round. And we're going on shopping later for your new suits, right?"

"Just send them to the agency. Make sure to put my name, hmm? There are a lot of bitches there who would claim for it if it doesn't have any tag." Jin said as he finished dressing up. Then he kissed Yoongi's cheek, "Thank you. I'll have your payment for my service refunded later."

"You don't have to. I booked for your time, so I need to pay." Yoongi said with a sigh, sitting back down the bed.

"You know that's not how it goes. I didn't do an escort service, so you don't have to pay." Jin sat beside Yoongi and whispered to his ear teasingly while licking his earlobe, "Thanks for an amazing night. I had a great time."

Then Jin stood up and took his phone, ready to head out the bedroom.

"Seriously Jan! You're leaving me like this?!" Yoongi said annoyingly, since he became so aroused at what Jin did.

Jin looked back, holding onto the door knob, "See you again, Yoongi-ssi." He smiled and shut the door closed, leaving the frustrated Yoongi on the bed.


Jin went home to his apartment, showered again and changed to his casual clothes. He took only his backpack and his car keys, then he headed out again.

He made a stop at a nearby cafe, getting himself a hot latte and two-piece pancakes. The aroma of the coffee gave him a relaxing feeling, just what he needed to start his day.

Jin rested his head on the small couch as he sips on his latte. His mind is clouded by a lot of things, causing him to zone out for a while. But when he noticed that the sun is already rising, he quickly finished his breakfast and heads out, getting onto his car and drove off to his destination.


FLASHBACK. Five years ago.

"Jin, you are so heavy!" Jungkook whined as he carries Jin on his back while walking to their school.

Both Jin and Jungkook are already in their last year of high school, where they have been classmates since they were freshmen. Though they already knew each other since they were kids, as they live in the same neighborhood, they only started dating when they became sophomores.

It never came to their imagination that they'll end up dating since they were like cats and dogs back when they were still kids. But their friendship has been a great foundation to their relationship, as they slowly fall for each other growing up.

"It's your punishment for not replying to my text last night!" Jin said, pouting his lips.

Jungkook tries to walk faster even if he's panting hard, "Who picked piggy back-riding as punishment whenever we do something wrong?! It's just you, right? I never agreed to it. Coz you're the only one who loves piggy back-riding! And just to say once again, I wasn't able to reply back 'good night' coz I already fell asleep. So I'm sorry now, pls?"

Jin suddenly jumped down from Jungkook's back. So the latter was surprised and looked back, "What? We're almost near our school. Let's go. Jump back up!" Jungkook said as he motions for Jin to climb up his back.

Jin crossed his arms and said, "That's why I always tell you to just text me good night so you won't miss doing so when you fall asleep."

"Okay. It's the first time I forgot, wasn't it? I was just so tired last night as grandma wasn't feeling well, so I did all the chores at home and took care of her. I guess that's why I fell asleep so fast. I'm sorry now pls, hmm Jinnie??"

Jin stared at him for a while, biting his bottom lip, then he turned his back on Jungkook and said, "Ok, jump in. I'll give you a piggy back-ride."

Jungkook looked confused but did as asked when Jin repeated what he said. As Jin started to walk, Jungkook asked, "Does this mean you forgive me now?"

Jin nodded and said, "Yes. You should've told me you were tired. Now I feel bad that I made you carry me all the way here."

"It's okay. I like carrying you. I like the feeling of your warm breath on my neck. I can carry you every single day, if you like. Even if not for a punishment." Jungkook said.

Jin smiled from ear to ear as he continued to walk with Jungkook on his back.

End of Flashback.


Jin stares blankly outside the window of their classroom, he didn't realize his eyes are getting blurry as he watches the students outside, playfully doing piggy back-rides and running freely on the grass.

He blinked his eyes repeatedly to get rid of his watery eyes, then turned to look back at his laptop. He continued doing his project, typing aggressively on the keyboard, when a voice disturbed his silence.

"Hi Jin. Good morning! You are early today."

Jin looked up and flashed a quick smile then returned to look at his laptop, "Oh, hi Namjoon. Good morning too."

Namjoon took a seat beside him, settling his things and brought out his laptop too. "I can see you're already working on your project. I haven't even started mine yet. You're really hardworking."

Jin did not mutter a word, he just continued typing into his laptop. Namjoon just slightly smiled. He's used to Jin being stiff towards him all the time. But he continues to approach Jin as he sees that Jin actually never talked to anyone else in their school. Namjoon just thought that at least, Jin greets him good morning when the others just get a smirk or a roll of the eyes.


A/n: Sorry loveys. I didn't realize I wasn't able to indicate the characters' age. I just edited the Characters page for it, so you'll have a rough idea how old they are with the flashbacks and present times.

Just ask me if anything doesn't make sense. Thanks!!

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