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As he glides along the divine aisle, showered with colorful fresh petals of his most favorite flowers, his eyes are glistening with tears..

Tears that were mixed with different emotions.

Emotions that were brought by various memories.

Memories that can never be replaced by anything grand or glamorous in this world.

Though his tears were giving him a blurry sight, it was never a hindrance for him to lay his longing eyes on the man he loves more than anyone in this lifetime.

The man who's standing at the very end of the aisle and waiting for him to arrive. So that both of them can be bonded, united and finally have the thing they desire the most..

A life together.. forever.



"Oh myyy-- Jungkook-ah!!!"

Jin almost dropped his laptop he was holding on top of his thighs, as he got startled by Jungkook, who suddenly appeared from behind and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Don't sneak up on me like that! I'm gonna go on labor sooner if you keep doing that!" Jin exclaimed.

Jungkook chuckled softly, then he sat beside Jin on the sofa, "Okay, sorry. And sorry, my little junior.." He whispered to Jin's round tummy, then he placed a gentle peck on it.

Jin smiled, seeing his husband does this again. He never failed to do so - every single time he comes home from work.

"He's not your junior. I prefer a different name other than yours, please!" Jin said as Jungkook pouted, "How was your day, Mr. Jeon JK?"

"It was all okay, Mr. Jeon Seokjin." Jungkook smiled. He kissed Jin on the lips for a while, then he leaned back and kissed his forehead too.

"I missed you. That's the most difficult time of my day. Other than that, yeah-- the class went well. My students are the best - they have progressed so fast. I am very proud of them." Jungkook said.

Jin smiled sweetly, "You are still the best actor that you are - very dramatic! As if you haven't called me about twenty times today - and still you missed me?!

And I agree. I think your students have the most motivation that's why they improve so fast. And that's because of you - their very talented mentor. I am so proud of you too!"

"Thank you, baby." Jungkook reached for the remote control, then he rested his head on Jin's shoulder while smiling, he turned the TV on and scanned the channels - looking for something to watch.

Then he continued to speak, "You know I have to check on you constantly. You are very sensitive with your pregnancy. We almost lost our baby boy. We're not letting that happen anymore."

It has been almost eight months since that day when Jungkook rushed Jin to the hospital because of his bleeding caused by the trauma he got from his fall during his encounter with Yoongi.

Though grateful that the baby and Jin's lives were saved, Jungkook wouldn't want to expose them anymore to further risks. Hence, Jungkook followed the doctor's advice - Jin was locked at home for a complete bed rest. He wasn't allowed to go out, nor be subject to any stress. He just completed his degree online too, and got his diploma after a few months.

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