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After a few days.

"What-- did you just run out of ways now?! Why do I always do all the work??" Yoongi said annoyingly over the phone.

'I told you, JK confronted me already! And now I just realized that whatever I'll do, he won't fucking look at me!! And same with Jin to you, so give up already!!'

"Yah, Park Jimin! At least I know Jin has a little something for me too. Had that JK not come in my way, we should've been together! So if you want out of this partnership already, then fuck it!! I don't fucking care!!"

'Yoongi, seriously, have you seen their vlog guesting with Jaehyun and Eun-woo?! They're happy living together now. We're wasting our energy on them.'

Jimin sighed deep on the line. Then he continued to speak,

'For me, I do like JK, yes. But he has already rubbed it to my face that he will never like me the way I like him.
As for you, I don't think you are in love with Jin. Your ego was just hurt coz you can't get him for yourself anymore. You're used to getting just anything or anyone you want, now except Jin. That's why you're obsessing over breaking them apart. Just stop it. You'll be happier, believe me!'

Yoongi brushed his hair up annoyingly, letting out a deep breath.

"You have no idea what I feel. So just fucking shut up!" Yoongi then hung up and threw his phone at his table.

Pdogg removed his headset and looked at Yoongi, "Bro, you're hot tempered again. It's been days that you can't edit a track properly."

"Sorry, hyung. It's just--"

"Jin again? Yeah, I saw that vlog. He's living already with Jeon JK. Let go, bro. Try writing a song about it, you might feel better."

"That's a fucking lame advice. Thank you very much." Yoongi said, glaring at him.

"Then would you better take an advice from your father?! If all these shits reach him, you know he won't side with you, right?! Those plots you did just to bring down your own company's artist were just so fucked up, bro!"

"He won't have any idea if no one would tell him. And I didn't make up anything. Maybe you could say I only provoked them to happen. I just gave some of the media a tip, they're the ones who wrote those articles, not me. And everything else followed, working at my favor. So technically, I didn't do anything."

"Well, now, I don't think things are still working out for you. Jin and JK are still together."

"At least JK is slowly losing what he's got. Then Jin's the next.."

"You're unbelievable!" Pdogg just shook his head as he took his phone from his pocket, reading a text message.


Outside of Yoongi's studio, Namjoon carefully closed the door which was already ajar when he arrived.

He shook his head while chewing the inside of his cheek. Then he pulled out his phone to text his brother,

Hyung, I forgot to pass by the studio before going. I'm already on my way home. See you later.


Jin laughed so hard at the movie scene in front of him, then he just shove a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

On the other hand, Namjoon chuckled softly - not because of the movie though, but because he found Jin so adorable. He could count how many pieces of popcorn he has eaten, while Jin just ate not by pieces, but by a grab of a hand.

The Escort | KookJin ✓Where stories live. Discover now