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With a small, sweet smile on Jin's face, he patiently waited for a cherry blossom to fall right into his hand. After a while, his eyes lit up when he saw one petal landed slowly on his palm.

Jin closed his hand and smiled to himself, feeling nostalgic of this moment.

"Did you catch one?!"

Jin almost jumped at the voice behind him, startling him so he quickly put his hands in his pockets and turned around.

"Jungkook-ah! Don't sneak up on me like that!!"

Jungkook chuckled a bit, and stepped even closer to him, "Good morning, Jin. I'm done with my scenes so we can now go to breakfast. Are we going to use your car or you want to experience my van? It's relaxing in there--"

"I am not here to have breakfast with you! Where is your hyung?!" Jin glared at him.

"I told you he's not here." Jungkook sighed. "But since you are already here, let's have some breakfast together as I'm starving. Or do you want to continue catching cherry blossoms first?!"

"Who told you I'm catching one?!
I-- I was just w-watching them." Jin stuttered a bit as he avoided Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook lets out a small laugh, then he walked closer to Jin and opened his palm to him, showing him a cherry blossom.
"I caught one earlier."

"R-really?! Did you cheat just to catch one?" Jin raised his eyebrow.

Jungkook smiled at Jin, "No. Why would I do that when I sincerely wish to get my first and forever love back to me soon?"

Jin quickly raised his gaze from Jungkook's hand to his eyes, as if seeking confirmation of what he just heard.

Jungkook smiled as he stares back at Jin's eyes. Then he quickly pulled Jin's hand from his pocket and forced it open.


Jin wasn't able to keep from Jungkook the cherry blossom anymore that he's holding onto his hand. He just stared back at Jungkook whose gaze is now deep and serious at him.

"You wished for the same, didn't you?"

Jin's heart raced at Jungkook's question. He tried to think of what to respond, but before he could even open his mouth, Jungkook already captured his lips into his, placing his hand on the back of his nape to pull him closer towards Jungkook's lips and deepen their kiss.

At the time, Jin's mind is getting blurry. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but his heart is saying otherwise.

As soon as Jin returned Jungkook's kiss, tears then fell from his eyes as he closed them. It's like all the feeling he had for Jungkook before came rushing back to him - it's not that he has forgotten about them, but Jin has kept it for a long while and ignored the truth that he wants and loves no one else but Jungkook.

Jin slowly embraced Jungkook's neck, while the latter moved his arm onto Jin's waist, pulling their bodies closer. As their lips expressed how much they longed for each other, they are both unconscious of anything else around them.

As if the world has stopped revolving - only their kiss exists at the time, making their hearts beat and giving them the air they need for breathing.

After a while of sharing such passionate kiss, they pulled back- their eyes are locked to each other, as if communicating every feeling each other have been wanting to tell.

"Jin, I--"

"JK-ssi.. is he the new guy you're dating?!"

Jungkook and Jin quickly turned to the side of the road from where the voice came from. Jin's eyes widen to see a whole pack of cameramen, a couple holding video cameras and the others with DSLR's, shooting on them.

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