"Y/n, slow down!"
You laughed as your family tried to keep up with you and your little cousin; you'd just gotten through some mountains and that in itself was nearly an impossible venture so your aunt and uncle were exhausted, while your other cousins simply weren't as fast."Hey what's that!"
You stopped, following your cousin's gaze and you caught a glimpse of a town.. what would a town be doing in the middle of nowhere?
You let your family catch up and mutually agreed to stop by, being the curious bunch you were. Besides you could hear music and singing coming from the town and who'd want to miss that?As you entered the town you saw a girl singing in the square, it was all so fun and lively. The town itself was beautiful, music and food in the streets, happiness filled the atmosphere.
The girl singing was singing about her family, and their gifts?
'What's that about?' You thought to yourself, quickly running after the group and listening to the song.From what you gathered that family helped the town and had special abilities, it was so cool!
You followed everything back to the girl's house where you learned she didn't have a gift, you felt bad after finding that out and quickly ran after her, tapping her shoulder as she took a basket of goods from a guy.
"Oh, Hey there, I haven't seen you around..My name's Maribel"
You beamed, she was so nice.
"Y/n. Y/n Galorés. Would you like some help with that?"
You asked, Taking a few things from the basket in her hands so it would be lighter"Thanks so much, we're setting up for my little cousin's ceremony, he should get his gift today and everyone's excited."
You nod, following her inside and beaming In awe as everyone was setting up, using their gifts for various things. It felt like a fever dream.
Though you could tell from their interactions that Mirabel wasn't really appreciated in her family due to the fact she didn't have a gift, which was sad, but she kept her chin up anyway.
"So Y/n"
Mirabel started when you'd both finished,
"Where are you from? I've never seen you around here before, and I'd love it if you could attend the ceremony but if you need to go home that's okay too."After she'd finished rambling you laughed
"We don't have a house really, we're always exploring and will walk for days on end without noticing, we set up camp and keep moving when we get tired. I'm sure Tio Nico and Tia Florés would love to stay for the ceremony."
Maribel beamed and hugged you tightly making you laugh and wave as you went to find your family.
On your way out you ran into a boy, he had curly hair and very faded freckles on his face.
He grinned upon meeting your eyes and turned into you on the spot, holding out a hand for you to shake with a cheeky grin. You raised an eyebrow before taking it and be turned back into himself."Camilo Madrigal!"
He announced proudly, he had so much energy.
"Y/n Galorés, nice to meet you. Wish I could stay to chat but I need to find my uncle and cousins"
With that you ran off and searched for your family, finding your uncle talking to a man in front of a very pretty house.
"Are you sure, we're usually not the settling down type"
Your uncle said to the guy who nodded,
"Sí, Your family is so helpful and I'm sure it'd be nice to finally put your feet up."He glanced down and noticed you,
"Y/n, your cousin's really like the place and we've considered staying."You take a moment to ponder, ever since you lived with your uncle and aunt travelling is all you knew, you'd only lived in a house with your parents and you're so young that those years were long gone from your memory.
You loved the freedom of exploring but this town was amazing and honestly a change of pace could be good.
I mean, your caregivers were getting older and it'd be wonderful for them to have a point in their lives to just sit and relax, what could it hurt?"Let's do it"
With that you started your life in Encanto, you could tell it wasn't going to be boring.

Camilo Madrigal x reader
FanfictionYou and your family often travelled, you didn't have a set home and just wandered around happily exploring nature, but found yourself in a beautiful town with amazing, special people and you just couldn't leave. That's where you met someone, he was...