You followed Mirabel and saw her sneaking past and into Bruno's tower, you wanted to follow but suddenly felt someone grab your hand and you turned to see Camilo.
"Hola linda, te extrañé!" (Hey cutie, I missed you)
You laughed, "Camilo it hasn't even been an hour."
"I know, I know. Can't a guy just want to see his best friend all day?"At that you raised an eyebrow, "Best friend? Ouch, and here I thought you'd be proposing to me after Isa's engagement."
It surprised you when a blush spread across Camilo's face, it wasn't like this was your first comment along these lines so what made this different? You weren't opposed to the idea of Camilo proposing to you but maybe in a few years when you're both a little older.
"Y/n, Isa is a little nervous, could you maybe talk to her?"
Julieta called from downstairs.
You removed your hand from Camilo's, reluctantly, and ran to Isabela's room quickly. You wanted to help the proposal go smoothly any way you could and despite you finding how Isabela treated Mirabel a little discomforting you still had built a pretty solid friendship with her, as you'd done with all the Madrigal's- well besides Abuela, she seemed to like you but she was always so busy with the town and the candle while you sometimes got off vibes from her so that kept you two from talking too much.Camilo stared at the hand that was intertwined with yours moments ago, it felt warm and tingly for some reason-
"Camilo"He jumped at the whisper-yell of his name, only to see Dolores behind him, an excited gleam in her eyes. What was that about? Camilo was one of the few that new about Dolores's liking to Mariano, so it confused him that she'd be in such a good mood while helping prepare for the engagement dinner.
"This is so cute, I didn't think it'd happen!"Camilo shook his head, trying to keep up with her excitement, "What are you talking about?"
"You like Y/n, don't you? I heard you guys talking-"
Camilo cut her off, a heavy blush on his face.
Despite his surprise he tried keeping his voice done since Dolores's gift made her sensitive to sound, which the rest of the family seemed to forget a lot.
"Y/n?! We met a while ago, yeah, but I don't like them- well I do, but obviously I do we're friends, I don't like them as more than that."Dolores seemed to get bored the longer Camilo rambled, it seemed more like he was trying to convince himself than trying to convince Dolores.
Pepa was walking past with a cloud over her head when she saw her two eldest, eyes immediately being drawn to her flustered son.
A rainbow quickly replaced the cloud and she rushed over, "Mijo!"
Camilo shrieked at the sudden outburst, unintentionally shifting into you, then Dolores, then Pepa and back to himself. He stared at his hands for a moment before hiding his flushed, red face behind his hair.Pepa hugged Camilo from behind, "Camilo, no te avergüences, no puedes evitarlo..."
(Camilo, don't be embarrassed, you can't avoid it)"This was supposed to be Isa's big day, this isn't important compared to her proposal, you guys should go continue helping!"
Pepa and Dolores looked at each other, Camilo obviously just wanted to change the subject and avoid the conversation.
"You're right Cami, we should continue preparing, buena suerte!" (Good luck) Pepa kissed her son's Cheek and daughter's forehead before walking off with an excited grin.
Camilo turned to Dolores, "Not a word, especially to papa."
She smiled, "My lips are sealed."°•°•°•°
Isa smiled and you, "Thanks Y/n...can I confess something?"
You chuckled, "If you have a crush on me, sorry I don't think we'd work."
You shared a laugh at the comment before things went silent and Isabela took a deep breath,"I'm not interested in Mariano, I'm doing all this for Abuela and my family... All of this, I have to pretend to be perfect, but what if I don't want to be... I want to be myself, but I don't know what "myself" even is anymore, I've been focused on being perfect and it's honestly just so hard."
You hugged her tightly and let her allow a few tears to fall, all of what she'd been through sounded awful from her point of view, all this time she didn't enjoy her so called "perfect" life of being the flawless golden child. Then again it made sense when you thought about it, having everyone watch your every move all the time and seeing a mask of happiness and perfection you're forced to wear? That didn't sound like a very fun way to live.
"You'll do amazing Isa, I didn't know you're going through this... Although, I think you should talk to Dolores.."
"Why Dolores?"
You sighed, "Trust me.."
With that she lowered her bed and you ran amongst the flowers to the door and out the room, about to go try find some way to help when-
You froze in your tracks and peaked around the corner, Luisa wasn't able to carry the donkeys and Mirabel was definitely up to something.
You followed her to her room, and slipped in just before the door shut in your face, Mirabel dropped some green pieces on her desk,
"What's that?"She shrieked, shaking until she saw it was only you.
"Don't do that to me, if you were one of my family members I'd be toast!""Sorry, I was just curious, what are you doing?"
"I found Tio Bruno's Last Vision-"
Suddenly, Pepa burst in, a thunder cloud above her head.
After all that you and Mirabel put the vision together and saw her in front of the house full of cracks."...Oh no.."
You mumbled in unison.

Camilo Madrigal x reader
FanfictionYou and your family often travelled, you didn't have a set home and just wandered around happily exploring nature, but found yourself in a beautiful town with amazing, special people and you just couldn't leave. That's where you met someone, he was...