Camilo slowly woke up and saw Y/n's sleeping figure. He let out a surprised Yelp that thankfully didn't wake you up before finally remembering why someone was in his room.
> Camilo's POV <
Y/n was still sleeping, so I quickly rolled out the bed and left the room; wouldn't want to wake them up.
I walked out the room only to run right into Maribel,
"Hey, is Y/n awake? Abuela wants to invite them for breakfast before they go."The thought of Y/n joining us for breakfast was exciting. I'd get to tell everyone what they told me, besides It means they'll stay longer.
"They're asleep, I'll ask them when they wake up."
Mirabel nodded and ran off, though she seemed to be eyeing me, what was that about? Was there something on my face?
I went to go back to my room, before feeling something soft hit the back of my head. Only to turn and see Y/n holding a pillow with a victorious smirk,
"I win~"They didn't think they'd get off that easy did they?
I laughed and grabbed the pillow they'd thrown at me before chasing after them. We had another pillow fight, I'd only known them for 2 days and they were already one of the most fun people I'd ever met."I surrender!"
I yelled between laughs as they'd managed to have me backed into a corner defenseless as they had both pillows.Y/n grinned and laughed in victory as they threw the pillows back on the bed, their laugh was amazing, childlike but raspy at the same time. So unique..
"So.. would you like to join us for dinner?"
My question seemed to slip out in the midst of my trance.
"Yeah, sure. We can go to my house afterwards and hang out so you can see the pictures, and I can get into my own clothes so Dolores can get hers back."
> Third person POV <
You both went downstairs quickly and joined the family, you got distracted helping Pepa and Dolores with the drinks.
You're about to go outside after Dolores before hearing Felix yelling at Camilo.
"Camilo, stop pretending to be Dolores so you can have seconds."
"Worth a shot"
You laughed as Casita quickly shooed Camilo away and grabbed your own share, which was a bit smaller as you felt bad intruding on their family breakfast.
Though before you sat down you saw Mirabel was acting weird, and trying to talk to Luisa a lot, you'd ask about it later, for now she was too busy being yelled at by Alma."So Dolores, do we have a date?"
"Tonight, he wants 5 babies."
You nearly choked, 5?! By the looks of it Isabella didn't seem all that excited but smiled weakly to please Alma, and Dolores looked a little upset.
Honestly, how blind was she to her grandkids' discomfort? Though it didn't feel like your place to say anything so instead you picked at your food in silence until hearing your name."So Y/n, I apologize if this seems like a personal question to ask so soon but how are things for you, are you interested in anyone at the moment?"
Camilo's head snapped up at Julieta's question, and clearly you weren't the only one who noticed as most eyes turned to him as soon as he did; Camilo's cheeks went pink and he quickly went back to concentrating on his plate of food.
"Well there's no one to date in the wilderness, so I'm open right now. I wouldn't be opposed to a relationship but I don't want to move things too quickly with anyone."
Julieta nodded with a warm, motherly smile.
"Oh, can Camilo come over?" You asked as you suddenly realized you forgot to bring it up sooner.
His parents and Alma glanced amongst each other.
"Well... We have to prepare for the Guzman's-"Camilo quickly interrupted, "I promise, I won't take long and I'll be back in time to help prepare everything! Please, they promised to show me travel pictures and all they've told me sounds really cool!"
Alma sighed, "Help us with a few decorations, then you may go for a while"
You and Camilo grinned as everyone from the table was dismissed.
Camilo ran off while you saw Mirabel chasing after Luisa and decided to follow them; you needed to know what was going on with her and you're convinced it had something to do with the cracks in Casita during Antonio's ceremony.
No one else seemed to notice, either that or they didn't care, but you're too curious to let something like this slide. Encanto could be in danger! You couldn't just sit and watch as things crumbled beneath your feet! You're going to try to at least help Maribel figure out what's happening.You learned Luisa felt insecure and that there was something going on with Bruno's tower, but as Mirabel ran off your arm was grabbed before you could follow her.
"Ready to go bonita?" Camilo smirked, although you're used to it the reactions you always gave when he called you such nicknames were definitely worth it enough to keep at it in Camilo's eyes.
"Ready if you are."
You ran to your house and saw your tio and oldest cousin, Hirmaño, sitting on the couch."Isn't this one of the Madrigal kids?"
He asked, a skeptical glare shot directly at Camilo who nervously took a step away from you."Yes Hirmaño, he's a Madrigal. He wanted to see pictures of the places we've been"
At that the two of them perked up and grabbed 3 albums the size of dictionaries, Camilo was immediately entranced by the covers which were decorated with feathers of birds you've encountered, pretty stones and leaves, small seeds, some glitter- the work of your younger cousin- and just anything else you'd found and added during your days of adventure.
Hours had gone by and somehow Camilo still wasn't bored of hearing stories your uncle and cousin told,
His excited smile exposed a single dimple, he was so cute; a kid on Christmas type of expression. Amazement and wonder in his eyes with everything he heard, from animals to music to wonderful sights and more. You honestly found yourself spending more time gazing at his thrilled reactions than reminiscing about the wonders of the world with your family; usually one of your favorite activities."grenggkt!"
You all looked up and saw Antonio's toucan with a note attached to it saying they needed Camilo back to finish preparing. He was visibly disappointed but upsetting Abuela would not have been a good idea.
Everyone seemed excited for the proposal as you and Camilo ran through the town to Casita, things were so lively.
Camilo went off to help and you saw Maribel acting weird again, naturally, you followed her.If Mirabel was going to figure this out you're going with her.... Plus you couldn't exactly spend time with Camilo when he was busy but that part could be kept to yourself.

Camilo Madrigal x reader
FanfictionYou and your family often travelled, you didn't have a set home and just wandered around happily exploring nature, but found yourself in a beautiful town with amazing, special people and you just couldn't leave. That's where you met someone, he was...