Adoption process... yayyy!

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(Jazlyn's POV)

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!! I'm sorry that you had to spend it in the hospital darling." Ms. Whitman said.

"Oh, yeah. It's fine. At least you got the best burgers ever!" I said, holding an In-n-out bag.

"I also got you a milkshake, consider it a birthday treat." Ms. Whitman said.

"Thanks! But it's ok, we don't need to celebrate my birthday..." 

"Nonsense! I celebrate Kason's birthday every year, and it's not like I would never miss out on it." 

A knock came from the door as I was about to bite in my burger. Fuck whoever it was, let me enjoy life for once, without anyone killing me.

"Come in." I grumbled.

A woman that was dressed all in pink and had an ugly ass face came in. 

"Hello sweetie," she said, in a sickly sweet voice. "I am from the Adoption Agency. I handle your adoption papers considering your parents have... err passed away." 

Yeah, no shit Sherlock

"So... who's gonna adopt me?" I asked.

"I have to talk to my husband, hang on..." Ms. Whitman said.

"You cannot adopt her." Pink bitch said.

"ExCuSe me? Why can't I?" Ms. Whitman sassed.

"Because you were the first one that found her, so you don't have the right too." Pink bitch said.

"So, she's going to have to go through more hell?" Ms. Whitman said.

"MS. WHITMAN! That is not a nice language."

"So? Can I still keep tabs on her?" 

"You may, if she wants too." 

"Jazlyn," Ms. Whitman said, turning towards me. "do you want to stay in touch?" 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I want too?" I said.

"Here is my number, and if Kason wants to give you his, then... here is his." 

"Oh," I said, as she wrote it on a piece of paper. "Thank you."

"No problem, if you don't contact me, I will personally hunt you down." she said, jokingly.

"Well, I don't think you would have to do that." I said. 

She gave me a hug and said, "Never ghost me, I expect a call every day whether it's for me or Kason, go it?" 

"Yes, ma'am." I said, and she let me go.

"Come with me dearie, let's get you too your new family." 

~Drives to orphanage~

"Here is your new family. Jazlyn, meet the Puttana family." Pink ugly ass lady said.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you dear." The mother said, rushing up to me touching my face.

"Yeah, its nice to meet you too." I said, with a fake smile on.

"The Puttana family is a very successful family, you will have a wonderful time with them." Ugly pink, toad face lady said.

"Thank you." I said, with another fake smile.

~Getting home to the Puttana residence~

Once I had all my belongings in my bag I slung it over my shoulder and I opened the door of the moving car and jumped out. I ran about 2 miles on a trail and I put myself in another orphanage that would accept me. They said that they were an international adoption agency and that I would be moved to Epsom, England. They handed me a flight ticket and a phone number to call when I got there and that there would be a employee waiting for me when I get to Epsom. A car would be coming to drive me to the airport. While I was waiting for that certain car to get here in the lobby I pulled out my phone and called Ms. Whitman. When she didn't pick up, I called Kason. He picked up after 5 rings. 

"Hello? Who is this?" Kason asked.

"It's your worst nightmare..." I said, in a spooky voice.

"Haha, yeah right. What's up Jazlyn?" He said.

"Oooh! Kason's got a girlfriend!!" A voice in the background said. If I remember correctly, that was Matteo, Kason's best friend.

"WHAT?! But I'm Kason's girlfriend! I DEMAND TO SEE HER! I DOUBT SHE'S EVEN AS PRETTY AS ME!" Another voice said, that was high pitched and girly. Ugh, it was Madison, by far the worst bully there is (ok, I'm sorry for all those Madison's out there, I mean no hate, it is just for the purpose of this book) 

"Kason..." I said, in a warning tone.

"Please Jazlyn, just to get rid of her, she's an annoying puttana" Kason said.

"Wait, you understand Italian?" I said.

"Yeah, my dad is Italian," He said. "but DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT" 

"Fine, go ahead." I said, as I sent him a selfie to show him. I wasn't a big fan of pictures because I had been avoiding camera's my entire life.

I listened to the phone while I was getting in the car, seeing as it had arrived.

"WHAT?! SHE ISN'T EVEN THAT PRETTY!" Madison yelled over the phone.

"Dang, she's hot. Where did you find a girl like that?" Matteo asked.

"Well, deal with it Madison, she is 2x prettier than you'll ever be." Kason said, defending me.

Aww, how cute.

"Listen, Kason, I gotta go, I'm about to go through the checkpoint. Call you later?" I asked.

"Sure, call my mom too, I don't want her to be pacing around the house, because she eventually goes a little crazy after that." Kason said.

"Ok, bye!"

"Bye! Enjoy your flight!" 

I put all my belongings in a bin, like usual, and I walked through the metal detector. After walking through the metal detector, I got my things and walked to my plane. I noticed on the big board that they had that it was about to take off. I ran as fast as I could and I got in. My seat was all the way in the back, and was a window seat. I love window seats, because they're inside and no one can see what I'm doing. I put in my Air Pods and called Ms. Whitman. She surprisingly answered on the first ring.

"Hello? If this isn't Jazlyn I'm hanging up." Ms. Whitman said.

"Yes, it's Jazlyn. I'm on my flight Ms. Whitman." I said.


"No, I escaped from her and I put myself in an international agency. I'm on a flight to Epsom, England." I said, as I cut her off. 

"Hmph, I would've preferred if you stayed nearby, but if you escaped that woman, than I promise you I'll try to visit you. Can you FaceTime me instead?" she asked.

"Sure, but I'm tired, can I sleep?" I asked.

"Of course! You've had a long day, and you've had a wild adventure, so get some rest, FaceTime me tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes, good night!" I said.

"Good night, Jazlyn." she said, as she hung up.

And just like that, I slowly drifted to sleep.

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