Hogsmeade day! But I'm on my bloody period...

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(Jazlyn's POV)

I groaned when I woke up today. It was the winter and it has been 4 months since I've been in Hogwarts. It was a very interesting school. Today was a Hogsmeade day, but when I got out of bed, I saw a red spot in my pajama bottoms. Shit, I was on my period. 

I ran over to the bathroom and washed my pants and underwear. I put on a pad and stayed in bed because of all the cramps I was getting. I heard a knock on my door and because all the other girls have already left for Hogsmeade, no one was here.

"Come in!" I said, from my bed. The door opened, and I saw Fred peek his head in. 

"Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just on my period and other shit like that." I said. He laughed and came in, and closed the door. 

"Need anything?" he asked.

"Ugh, please! Food anything, I don't care if it's a burger, but any fucking food will do." I said, looking at him. 

"Gotcha. 3 meals in one day, coming up. Be prepared for it popping out of nowhere. Hey, because you can't go to Hogsmeade because of all the cramps and stuff, do you mind me and James going instead?" he asked. I thought it through and nodded slowly.

"Great! I'll get a House Elf to get some food for you throughout the day. Don't worry, we'll bring you loads of candy and some pranking supplies. Hope you feel better!" Fred said, leaving the room. 

I slowly nodded away and took out my phone texting Kason.


Heyyy wat up?


Eh, not much. Howzit in your little magic world?


Ugh, it's literally boring. Pranking, school, eat, sleep. It's a whole cycle.


I think ur the only 1 who actually uses periods at the end of ur sentences


HEY! My dad tells me that.


See! Another period


Ugh, fineeee, I admit defeat. But I'm boreddddd


Yeah, me too, we have midwinter break. 


Oh, cool.


What does ur dad look like??


Sent a photo


Damnnnn, he looks scary


He's not that scary once you get to know him.


Sure... well, I gtg, ttyl?


Sure, talk to you later, bye!



I got off my phone and my breakfast came up to me. I decided to try to get up and move around. I wandered around Hogwarts and go to a random room. I paced in front of a wall three times and there was a door. When I stopped my train of thought, I saw the door. I opened it and I saw my comfort place. There was a couch there with a cup of steamy hot chocolate, topped with marshmellow's, and whipped cream, lightly sprinkled with crushed candy cane. I also saw mint chocolate chip ice cream with crushed Oreo. There was also a bowl of fudge on the side. Ohhh, my comfort foods. 

I sat down on the couch and started watching Miraculous ladybug. Ahh, the cringe of this show makes me want to keep watching. I was currently wearing one of James' sweaters, and a pair of Freddie's sweatpants. I stole it from them a while ago, but they didn't notice it. When I finished Season 4 I noticed that it was lunch. Well, 11:59. The clock struck 12:00 PM and a cheeseburger with fries popped in front of me. Oh, today was the best! I set down the hot chocolate and picked up the tray. I finished at around 2:10 PM and headed towards the dormitories. I saw Fred sitting down, reading a book with his feet propped up on the table, and James frantically pacing around, back and forth.

"Where is she? It's not like she would dissapear? Would she? Does she hate us? Does she hate me? What if someone kidnapped her? Like a Death Eater." James said, running a hand through his hair. 

"Relax, she's probably in the bathroom, showering. Give the woman some privacy." Fred said, still looking down at his book.

"But what if she's fallen and she can't get up? We should go check." James said, about to head up to the girls dormitories. 

"You just want to see Jazlyn naked." Fred said, smirking at James. He blushed a deep red. 

"I do not! She's... just a friend?" James said, though it sounded more like he was asking himself. 

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked, finally deciding to make an appearnce. 

"Hey Jaz, we got your candy." Fred said, in a sing-song voice.

"YES! Hey, James, you ok?" I asked, pretending not to know what their conversation has been about.

"Yeah... HEY! Is that my sweater that I lost a few months back? Now I know what happened to it. It was you." James said, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Yeah... and aren't those my sweatpants?" Fred asked. I flashed them both an innocent smile and bolted off. They both tackled me and started to tickle me. I giggled and tried to squirm out. 

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast missy." Fred said. 


"Never. Not until you give us our belongings back." James said. Freddie stopped tickling me and stared at James weirdly. I stopped laughing. 

"That means that I'm going to be pantsless. Do you want to see me pantsless?" I asked, teasing him.

"No! No, that's not what I meant, I-um, I meant... that you should give Fred his belonglings, later?" he said, unsure. 

"Mmmhm, yeah. NOPE! GOOD NIGHT MY LOVLEY FRIENDS!!" I said, leaving. 

"Good night! You better give my pants back though!" Fred said, as I made my way to my room. I chuckled and went to sleep.

(Fred's POV)

Ahh, I ship them so hard! What should their ship name be? Jamzlyn? Jazes? Pamfloy? AHH! I CAN'T CHOOSE!!

"You know she loves you." I said, smirking at James.

"Hmm, maybe. But I think she only likes me as a friend." James said, a little dissapointed. I sighed and went up to sleep. James still sat on the couch, looking at a framed photo of the three of us. This was going to be a long school year.

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