The sorting

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Hello! This is a bonus chapter because I have noticed that I haven't updated as much so... Enjoy! It would also make my day if you dropped a vote, comment or follow. Thank you so much for reading this book and please check out my other stories!


(Jazlyn's POV)

I followed McGonagall to a place full of kids. They were all shorter than me and I was the only one that stood out, considering, I was taller than them.

"Follow me." McGonagall said. (I put in the song up above because there has been a lot of McGonagall saying follow  me, so yeah... I don't know if you get it, but yeah... back to the book!)

We followed her to the Great Hall where I had been yesterday. Last time I was here, it was empty, and now it was full of students. I stood out because I was tall and was wearing Muggle close, but you know what. I don't give a fuck. 

McGonagall started calling out names till she reached my last name. 

"Jazlyn Malfoy." she said. I heard a lot of whispers and some people saying, "It's a Malfoy. Those snakes." 

I just kept walking forward till I reached the Sorting Hat. McGonagall put it on me and the Sorting Hat started to talk in my head. (Btw, the words in italics are what the Sorting Hat is saying in Jazlyn's head, and the words not in italics are what the Sorting Hat says out loud. Same with Jazlyn)

"Hmm a Malfoy eh?" the Sorting Hat said.

"Yeah, got a problem?" I said back.

"Headstrong, I see. Also full of trauma, and pain, suffering. But you still keep fighting back." the Sorting Hat said.

"Yep. I'm adopted too. My last name was Pintar though." I said.

"A Pintar? My, my, my you are the one who will practically be the next Dumbledoor or Voldemort. Who knows what you fate might lead you too." the Sorting Hat said.

"Yeah, I've been told that." I said.

"You are a mix of all houses young lady, where would you like to be?" the Sorting Hat asked.

"Gryffindor." I said.

"Oh, that is very different than what your parents were sorted into. Your mother was a Hufflepuff and your father a Ravenclaw. Your adoptive father was a Slytherin. HA! Your family is a mix of all houses. I'm actually quiet shocked at your request." the Sorting Hat said.

"Very well then, if that's what you choose. GRYFFINDOR!" the Sorting Hat yelled. I only got half of the Gryffindors to cheer for me. Well, it was better than none.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to a red head that almost looked like Fred and George. The girl in front of me had her nose stuck in a book and was eating while reading. Another boy with messy dark hair was sitting right next to the almost identical Weasley twins.

"Hi." the red head said. 

"Sup" I said.

"I'm Fred, and this is James." Fred said.

"Well, nice to meet you Fred, I'm Jazlyn." I said.

"Wow, your nicer than I thought you would be." Fred said.

"Is it because I'm a Malfoy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I honestly thought you would be mean and blonde, but your the exact opposite." Fred said.

"I'm adopted." I said.

"Do you know your real last name?" James asked, finally speaking. He moved from sitting next to Fred and sitting next to me.

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