Lost legend?

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(Jazlyn's POV)

I woke up to the smiling faces of James and Freddie. 

"Morning boys, what brings you here to the girls dormitories, might I add." I said, sitting up.

"Well, we've discovered something... strange in the restricted section of the library. Apparentley there was an item that brings the 4 founders of Hogwarts together. And whoever finds it, well, no one's ever found it so it's a mystery!" James said. I groaned. 

"Seriously? What time is it? I fucking don't want to wake up." I said, trying to go back to sleep. Fred stole my pillow and my head hit the matress.

"If you don't get up, then you don't get your pillow back." Fred said, warning me.

"Fine. I'll get up. Now scram! Unless you want to see me naked." I said. They immediatley scampered off, while Fred gave James a look. I shrugged and went to go shower. 

I pulled on a black sports bra and a green bomber jacket with black leggings. I don't give a fuck if the teachers send me to detention because those boys stole my beautiful and soft pillow. 

I walked downstairs and found them talking in the common room.

"Okay boys, let's ditch school." I said, slinging my black cross body purse go back over my shoulder. It was easy to carry, considering it had an extendable charm on it. 

"Good, we have some Floo powder ready. First stop is Seattle, Washington." Fred said. 

~At Seattle, Washington~

I coughed out the dust that was flying to my nose. 

"Ugh, where are we?" I asked, waving a hand around me trying to find where the boys are. 

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure we're in a store called Costco?" James said, looking around. We were in a warehouse. Oh yeah! Now I remember that this was Costco, I spent some time stalking some of the worst criminal's wives.

"Guys! Over here!" I said, running over to a shopping cart. 

"Ok, so what did we need again?" I asked, now that we were hiding behind a shipping container. 

"The book said that Hufflepuff's goblet would be in Washington at the nearest Floo powder station. And it mentioned Costco." Fred said. I slapped a hand to my forehead. 

"Fine. We'll have to do it when they close." I said. I checked my phone and noticed on Washington time that it was closing hour. Perfect, this would be easier. 

I got up from our hiding spot and started to walk around. I heard an "oof" from somewhere. 

"WHO'S THERE?" I yelled, holding out a my wand and a knife. I know what your thinking. How did Jazlyn somehow get a knife. Well, to answer you question dear reader, I never leave home prepared. 

"Woah, chill, it's just me. Albus Potter, you know, James' little brother." Albus said, coming out from a box with his hands up in surrender. 

"Oh thank Merlin. I thought you were someone else." I said, dropping my knife and wand. 

"Al? What are you doing here?" James asked, with Fred following closely behind.

"I heard what you were planning and I wanted to be in on it." Albus said. 

"Of course-" "Why the bloody hell would you want to follow us? Do you realize how dangerous it is? What would Mum think?" James rambled, cutting Fred off.

"James. James. JAMES! SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO ME!" I yelled, slapping him.

"Ok, jeez. Calm your tits down." James said.

I ignored the last part and said, "He could help us, considering not all of us here are the brightest people in the world." 

James thought it out for a second and said, "Fine. But he better not get us killed." 

"Sure. I'm good at Charms so we should be fine." Albus said, but then he gasped. 

"What? Are you ok?" Fred asked.

"No, I'm just feeling a strange felling over there." Albus said. I noticed that his eyes glowed a bright yellow. 

"Wait. I think that he knows where Hufflepuff's goblet is." I said. Albus started walking and when he reached the end of the aisle, he pressed random bricks on the wall and it opened up, revealing a stand that had Hufflepuff's goblet on it. Albus walked up to it as if in a trance and grabbed it off of the stand. Once he grabbed it off the stand, he gasped again and the glow from his eyes faded. 

"W-What happened?" he asked.

"You were in like, some sort of trance." Fred said.

"Yeah, it was honestly creepy." James said, shuddering. 

"Hmm, I think somehow, Hufflepuff, in a way, chose you." I said, pointing to the badger symbol forming on his forearm. 

"AH! What in Merlin's trousers is that?" Albus exclaimed.

"Um, like Jaz said, Hufflepuff... chose you?" James said, unsure of what he had just said. 

"Hm, so 4 of us, 4 houses, 4 founders. So, eventually one of the founders are going to choose us." Fred summarized. I nodded in agreement. 

"Well, what do we do now?" Albus asked, still holding on to the goblet. The secret room rumbled, and chunks of the ceiling started falling on us. 

"RUN!" James said. I didn't need to be told twice because I already ran before he could say that.

I had already bolted out and climbed the shelves. I climbed till  I reached the top. Fred decided to figure out what was happening, while James stayed behind, waiting for Fred. Albus had already hid behind the box that he got out of. (hint, hint, guys ;) 

"GUYS! DON'T WORRY, IT'S JUST AN ILLUSION! IT'S SAFE TO COME DOWN JAZ! And Albus, stop hiding behind the damned box." Fred said. I skillfully climbed down and James was there ready to catch me. I jumped into his arms and faked being a damsel in distress.

"Oh mighty prince, thank you so much for saving me... son of a bitch." I said, jumping out of his arms. 

"HEY! My name is Prince Bitch for a reason." James said, chasing me. I laughed and regrouped back to Fred.

"Well, one down, 3 more to go." Fred said. 

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