The Finale Battle (in which, Voldemort turns into mold)

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This story is starting to come to an end :(

Hope you enjoy this last small part!

~C. Rodriguez

(Jazlyn's POV)

I saw Bethany leave and I immediatley moved in to capture her. If we killed her, or something maybe less severe and brutal as that, Voldemort will give up and will die when we kill him, because he is affected mentally. If we can cut off all comunications, than we can defeat him once and for all. I shouted out "Immobulous" and she collapsed. I then decided to make her death painless and quick and whispered "Avada Kedavra" she died and Voldemort zoomed out and saw Bethany and her lifeless figure.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! You killed her. You killed my queen. That's it, you're done." Voldemort said. I laughed and his face was utter confusion.

"What are you laughing about? Can't you see how sad of a moment it is?" he asked. I thought of a random spell that I think is one, well, hoping is one and got it.

"Moldolulous?" I asked, and a neon pink light shot out from my wand and Voldemort dissapeared replacced with a lump of mold. James came running towards me.

"Where is Voldemort? Wait, don't tell me. Is that peice of mold Voldemort? PFFT- this is why I love you." James said, picking me up and spinning me around.

"James! Let me down. I get it buddy, love you too." I said. He set me down and kissed me. I kissed him back and Fred ran in.

"Woah! Am i, um interrupting something over here?" he asked. Me and James broke apart and started shouting at him in a mixed jumble. I then saw Dad behind him and he ran towards me, picking me up and hugging me.

"I'm so glad you're safe darling. I could never loose you." he said.

"I could never loose you either Dad." I whispered.

"Am I seriously the only one who's gonna be single the rest of my life?" Fred whined. I patted him on the head.

"Aw, don't worry Freddie, you'll find someone special. Let's just, go home now." I said. James appeared behind me.

"Together?" he asked.

"Together." Fred and I replied. We Apparated back to Hogwarts and collapsed on our beds. Wow, it's been really hectic. And the only reason we defeated Voldemort was because I hoped that a random spell worked.

~The next day~

When we all woke up and went to the Great Hall, everyone stood up and clapped as we walked to the Gryffindor table. McGongall stood up and waved her hands.

"Silence, silence. I get that everyone's excited but chill. Thank you. I would like to award James Potter, Jazlyn Malfoy and Fred Weasley II 200 points each for their bravery in saving the school and making sure that it doesn't destroy. I'd also like to award Albus Potter 200 points as well for his bravery and taking part in making sure that those three don't die of stupidity. That is all, enjoy the feast!" McGonagall said, sitting down. We all celebrated and this Ravenclaw walked up to Fred.

"Hey, so I noticed that you're single. Wanna go out?" she asked, twirling some of her dark hair.

"Yes! Hogsmeade, 20 minutes?" he asked. She giggled.

"Don't be late." she said, walking away.

"Oi, mate, don't get too starstruck with her m'kay. Go get ready!" James said, snaking a hand around my waist.

"O-oh, yeah, bye!" he said, running off. Me and James chuckled.

"So, what should we do now?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Darling, I think you know." James said. We stared at each other and said, "Stalk them." I giggled and he leaned his head on mine.

"I'm never gonna let you go." he said.


THE END!! HOW WAS IT GUYS!! Please if you've made it this far, vote, comment and read all of my other books. Hopefully, you'll find something.

~C. Rodriguez

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