World domination

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(Jazlyn's POV)

I was pacing back and forth on the Gryffindor common rooms. How could this happen? A person stole ALL of the sacred items of the houses. How are we gonna get it back?

"Woah, chill Jazlyn. I'm sure we'll find it." Fred said. I heard Dad and James' dad Apparate with a crack. 

"Okay, so seeing as Jaz is pacing around the room, I'll assume it's something bad." Mr. Potter said. 

"GAH! MY ARM!" Dad said, holding onto his arm and falling to the floor.

"DAD!" I yelled, reaching out to catch him. I did, and he was shaking so much.

"The dark lord. H-he's back." Dad said, and he was unconcious. Mr. Potter sucked in a breath.

"I thought I'd never feel this ever again, but I'm afraid I just did." Mr. Potter said, weakly. "And can I just say, Voldy looks younger and more better looking. I hope that the girl that at his side knows how old he is because he doesn't look a day over 15." 

"Oh Merlin, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO JOKE!" James said. I touched Mr. Potter's scar and I was sucked into what he was seeing. Damnnn, he wasn't wrong. And Bethany's at his side. Merlin, what has this come to?

I was sucked back into reality and James was above me, looking at me worridly.

"You okay? You were unconcious for a second." James said.

"I'm fine, all I can say is that Voldemort became ten times younger. And I know where he is." I said. Dad held a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, I need to tell you something." Dad said.

"Dad, if it's important enough, I'll listen, but otherwise else, don't." I said.

"It's important." he said. I motioned for him to go on. He took in a deep breath and started.

"When you're parents left me in charge of you before they died, I was put into part of your genes. When Voldemort brands his Death Eaters, he makes sure that it'll go on and on, and that no one will disobey him. Since I was put into part of your genes, that makes you a death eater. Even though it's not official, you have a hidden mark. Voldemort can feel what you're feeling and can emit emotions, thoughts, actions into you. Are there ever times you feel like you're out of control? Well, that's Voldemort's doing. Something you can do to reverse it is if you reach out to Hermoine. She helped me, and I believe she can help you defeat Voldemort." Dad said, letting go of my shoulder. I nodded and Flooed to the Minister, Hermoine Granger Weasley.

"Hello there. Have a seat, take a cookie. Let's talk about your... condition." she said, passing a cookie to me. I accepted it and bit into it.

"I know that your father would have too tell you sometime, and I figured that now was the time. I already have the potion ready, because this takes a REALLY long time. Just drink this, and your bond to Voldemort will be gone. Forever." she said. I looked at it and chugged it down. She looked at me excidetley.

"Feel anything? Nausea, stomach ache?" she asked.

"No, but it tastes like my favorite dessert, raspberry cupcakes." I said. She pulled out a note pad and jotted it down.

"Interesting..." she muttered. "Okay, you can head on out, have fun defeating Voldy-moldy!"

I Flooed out and decided that that was probably the most awkwardest conversation I've ever had. I reached back to the room and Dad was pacing back and forth. James was talking intensly to Fred. And Mr. Potter was on the phone with his wife. It was pure chaos.

"GUYS! I have an idea on how we can defeat Voldemort!" I said. All heads turned to me.

"Here's the plan...."

(Bethany's POV)

I was sitting on Voldemort's lap, while we had an intense make out session. He was breathing hard and whispered, "You know, I love you right?"

"Yeah, it's kind of obvious, no?" I said, smirking at him, my long hair, falling to the left side of my shoulder. He smiled up at me. But that smile, quickly faded into pain.

"AGH! IT BURNS!" he yelled out. I panicked and held on to him.

"What hurts? Where?" I asked. He sucked in a breath and pointed at his head.

"Here." he whimpered out. "It's hurting mentally, there is nothing you can do."

"Do you know who it is? I can send some Death Eaters to go after them." I suggested. He rose up and brushed off some imaginary dust.

"Hermoine Granger and Jazlyn Malfoy." he whispered out. I looked at the Death Eaters stationed near us.

"Go." I said, and the Apparted out of there. I tended for him, whispering soothing words into his ear and he eventually fell asleep.

(Jazlyn's POV)

We were sneaking around Voldemort's last location, and there were Death Eaters stationed around, everywhere. This must be where he is. I looked through a window, and smirked at what I saw.

Voldemort was weak, and this was our chance to strike.

AHHHH THIS BOOK IS COMING TO AN END! I am honestly sad, but I don't want to end :( comment on what you think I should add or any suggestions :)

Have an amazing day!

~C. Rodriguez

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