First day of class, how exciting...

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(Jazlyn's POV)

I woke up to the sound of Rose shuffling around getting something. 

"Ugh, Rosie, why so up this morning. I'm not a morning person you know." I said, groggily. 

"Today is the first day of school! We have to be ready! C'mon, go shower, on you go." she said, pulling me out of bed. Considering I was on the top bunk I fell about 38 inches.

"Ughhhh, Rose, never do that again!" I said.

"Well, wake up next time. You remind me of James you know." she said, leaving me to grab my clothes. I had a white dress shirt on and a plain black skirt. I also wore a robe and a red and gold Gryffindor tie. I put my hair in a messy bun, and finally decided to wear my glasses. I had practically never worn my glasses due to the fact of my silver eyes. So, my eyesight wasn't the best all these years. I had round black glasses with a gold color on the side. The black really brought out my eyes. 

"Done, I'mma head to breakfast bye!" I said. 

I walked down the girls dormitory and saw James and Fred there. 

"Hey guys, heading to breakfast?" I asked. 

"Yeah, we were waiting for you. You finished about 5 minutes after us." James said.

"Well, I'm starving and all that shit so can we go, yeah?" Fred said.

"When did you learn to cuss?" I asked, while we were walking to the Great Hall.  

"I heard my mom sometimes say it sometimes. I think she picked it up at like a restaurant?" Fred said.

"Ok, we know this, but are we just gonna ignore the fact that Jaz over here has glasses?" James said.

"Um, I mean, I've had them, I've just never used them..." I mumbled.

"Jeez, ok, that's a lot of questions, were here! FOOD!" Fred said.

"He loves food." James whispered in my ear, and that sent shivers down my spine. Thank God he didn't notice, or I would've been really emberassed.

We sat down near the end where no one could disturb us. I grabbed some toast, bacon and some hasbrowns. There was also a doughnut and a brownie too. I grabbed one of those as well. 

I bit into it and mumbled, "Dios mio the food here is delicious."

"You speak Spanish?" James asked.

"There is a lot you don't know about me darling." I said, winking at him. He was immediatley flustered. I chuckled looking at him embarrased and all. 

"You know... your the first one to make him embarrased." Fred whispered.

"Oooh, that's probably his weakness, isn't it Jamesy?" I teased.

"Ugh, please stop. Just hand me my schedule." James groaned.

A girl with blonde hair and a face full of makeup came sauntering up to us. She was a Hufflepuff, due to her yellow and black tie. (I mean no hate for people who are Hufflepuff, but, I didn't want to make her a Gryffindor or Slytherin either. Neither a Ravenclaw, or else she would get to James real easiliy. Again, I MEAN NO HATE! Please, continue on.)

"Hey Jamesy-poo. Did you miss me?" she asked, sliding her hands around James neck.

  "Ugh, Karen, get off of me." James said. 

"Yeah Karen, get off of him." Fred said.

"No one asked you, Weasley. And who are you, new girl? You think your prettier than me? HA! You wish." she said.

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