Chapter 1: Biology Class

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Today is the first day of junior year, and unlike most kids Im excited to go to school. Lucas picked me up from my house on his way to school. I havent seen much of him since he joined the basketball team. Which his brother Nathan is on. I havent heard anything bad going on with the team, but today is the first day so we will see. When I walk into every class Nathan is there so was Lucas except in biology. Once class started we were to stand up and sit where we were told. Once we all sat down I realised that I was sitting next to Nathan. The teacher then told us that these were out seats for the rest of the year. Which also meant that the person sitting next to you is your lab partner. Een though today was the first day he assigned a lab. Once he was done explaining what we needed to do we started working. WHile working Nathan started talking to me. He my names Nathan. Ya I know, Im Haley. Your Lucass friend, right? Yea, how is it having him on the team? Well its not the best and hats not because he isnt a great player because he is. Its because my dad thinks that having Lucas on the team will lessen my cahnce of getting into college. Wel is that all you have going for you? With all the pressure my dad puts me under to be the best its all I have time to do. Well I know that its only the first day of schoool, but I can tutor you so that you can get into college because of your grades. Really? Yea, I mean if you dont want to its fine. No I do, it just no one has really cared enough about my education. Even the teachers just pass me so we can win basketball games. Well hopefully with a little help they wont have to pass you, you will be doing well enough on your own. Thank you Haley. ITs nothing, when do you want to meet? Everyday starting today, because even though its the first day I would like to get a head start. Okay. How much do I owe you? what? Doesnt tutoring cost money? Nathan I dontcare about the money just seeing people understand something makes me feel good, you are not paying me. Okay well we can go to my house after basketball practice if you dont mind waiting. No I don;t see you after scool.

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