Chapter 3: Tutoring part 1

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We went inside after I stopped crying which didn't take long because I was used to having a brave face in front of Lucas. Once we get inside, Nathan lead me to the kitchen. Do you want anything to eat. Oh my god yes normally I would have been eating with Karen and Lucas. Okay what do you want? Anything really. Okay....chili? Okay. While we ate chili, we started on the homework we were assigned. Nathan was really understanding what was going on in all the classes. Hey Nathan? Yea. I'm not going to be able to tutor you right after school everyday. What, why? Because I work at Karen's Cafe after school, I could probably get you a job there and during breaks I could tutor you. Really? Yea, we can go right now to ask. Okay. We both packed up our stuff, Nathan was just doing it to go stick his stuff in his room. We were done with all the work. Once his stuff was in his room we are ready to leave but before we could Dan came home. Nathan where the hell are you!!!! Why the hell aren't you practicing basketball!!! When I looked up at me then I can see that you're in his eyes and when I look down at me I could tell he was the only scared for himself but he was scared for me too. Nathan pulled me behind him. Nathan what's wrong I whispered to him. Follow me. I followed him try not to make it sound. We were on without a door when Nathan's phone went off. Ahh trying to get away. Nathan stepped in front of me. Dad...are you feeling okay? Yea, now why the hell are you not outside practicing! I was studying with my tutor Haley. You got a tutor, that's hilarious. Who is that? Dan said pointing at me, while I stepped farther behind Nathan. This is Haley, my tutor and as far as I'm concerned my only friend. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, then whispered you too. He looked down at me, Dan took this time to try to hit Nathan. I pushed Nathan out of the way right in time, but I got hit in the process.

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