Chapter 2: Basketball Practice

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You would think that because it’s the first day of school the teachers would be nicer about the homework but of course not. Nathan and I walked to every class together and even had lunch together I was hoping to eat with Lucas too, but once he saw Nathan he turned around and walked away. Flashback: Hey so you don’t mind if we eat with Lucas do you? No, not really. Okay great. Once Nathan and I got our food we went and sat down at a table outside and waited for Lucas. When TIm and the rest of the basketball team walked over to talk to Nathan, they were teasing him about hanging out with me. I was sure that Nathan was going to join in, but to my surprise he told all the guys off and told them to stop making fun of me. Once all the guys heard that they left. I was in tears because normally I would have to deal with the teasing when I would wait for Lucas. He doesn’t really get teased because he could play basketball even though he wasn’t playing for the Raven’s team. I didn’t really want Nathan to see me cry so I was trying not to make eye contact with him. But it didn’t last to long because he lifted my face so he could see me. Oh my god Haley are you okay? Yea, thank you. Wait what did I do? You stood up for me, no one has ever done that for me. Wait, not even Lucas. Well they don’t really do that when he is around, and I put on a strong face, he doesn’t know that, that happens. I’m so sorry, then he hugged me. When I looked up from the hug I saw Lucas standing across the courtyard. He was just standing there shaking his head and then turned around and walked away. Looks like we won’t be eating with Lucas. End of Flashback. Nathan and I walked to the gym and we were just talking about random things. Do you think I should join cheer? I mean I don’t see why not they practice at the same time we do, plus that way you would have something to do after school instead of waiting on me. Okay I’m going to try out. We both went and got changed for practice. I went to talk to brooke, who was the captain of the cheer squad. Hey Brooke I was wondering if I could try out for the team. Sure we are going to start tryouts soon go ahead and start stretching. Okay thanks. So I went to stretch and because once i was done tryouts still hadn’t started so I decided to warm up my tumbling. I ran a couple passes and afterwards Brooke came up to me and told me I was on the team. But try outs haven’t even started. It doesn’t matter you were great. Thanks. For some reason I’ma born klutz except for when I'm dancing or cheering. Halfway through practice for me tryouts for everyone else. A fight broke out between Lucas and Nathan. I guess this was regular because Whitey wasn’t doing anything. So I ran over there and almost broke up the fight when I was shoved to the ground, and immediately i knew who had done it. It was Lucas, Nathan was on the ground with me. Are you okay? yea I’m fine. What the hell Lucas I don’t understand what the hell is wrong! him, he is what is wrong! What the hell does that mean? YOu know what Halye You know how I feel about him! Okay I still don’t see the problem. You know what next time you see me don’t talk to me! Luke…. No Haley I’m serious this friendship is over! With that Lucas left. I went back over to Brooke and put on a brave face and poth practices started back up. Around 6 both practices were over and Nathan was driving me to his house. Once we got there I got out of the car and he asked how practice went? I got on the squad! That’s awesome Haley, other than that are you okay? We sat down on the porch. No not at all. I started crying. We have been friends since we were 5 and he wants to throw it all away because I’m your friend really hurts, but I’ll be okay thanks for asking. Yea no problem.

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