Chapter 5: Moving Out & New Jobs

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Deb was fine according to the doctor.They want to keep her for awhile to keep an eye on her. After we talked to the doctor I decided it would be good to go and tell my parents and pack for the moving. Nathan I need to go pack for the move. Okay lets go. We left for my house, when we got there both my parents were home. Mom and Dad can I talk to you? Sure Haley Bob what's up. Well you see this is Nathan Scott. I just recently started tutoring him and I was thinking it would be easier to tutor him if I went and lived with him. Why do you need to move in with him. Because he palys basketball his schedule is crazy. Does he really need your hep? yes he does. Okay then you can move in with him, but I want you to check in with me. I will mom, dad are you okay with this? Yes I'm okay with it. Okay well I;m going to pack, Nathan will you help? Yea, sure. I apcked everthing I thought I would need. Thankfully it all fit in Nathan's car. I said bye to my parents and got in the car. Nathan do you want to apply for the job now before we go home? Yea I'm sure you would also need to explain your absents. I would but I'm sure Karen will understand. Haley you can't tell her about my dad. I know that I would just tell her that I got caught up tutoring you. We pulled up to Karen's café, but I wasn't ready to get out of the car. Nathan? what's wrong Haley? I'm scared. Of what? Of losing Lucas, losing you, Dan. Nathan got out of the car and walked over to me. Haley you could never lose me, LUcas will get over whatever he his dealing with and if he doesn't that is his loss. As for Dan he won't be a problem for very long and I promise I will always protect you. Nathan..... Haley I know that we only started talking today but you know more about me than anyone. I'm glad I met you, I don't know how much longer I could've lasted. You are beautiful, caring, smart, simple, complicated, and a badass. I love you and we will get through it together, Always and Forever. I love you Nathan, thank you. Lets go get you this job Nathan Scott. Then we kissed. ONce we walked into the café Karen ran over to me. Haley I was so worried are you alright. I'm fine I just got caught up tutoring Nathan, we just started today. Also he was wondering if he could have a job. Haley I don't know. Karen please I know he and Lucas are not on good terms and I have only known him for a day, but he is a great guy and he will be a even better employee, please Karen. Okay Haley for you. Thank you Miss Scott you won't regret it. I hope not Nathan, now get to work both of you. Nathan you got a job! I kissed him. As soon as we stopped kissing I looked up and saw Lucas. Luke.... No Haley I meant what I said earlier, don't talk to me ever. Okay if that is what you truley want Luke. He went up to the roof. Haley are you okay? Yea I'll be okay I just need time. Lets get to work. Okay come on I'll show you the ropes. After our work we left and went back to his, I mean our house. Once we pulled up we sat in the car for awhile. Are you ready? As ready I'll ever be. Okay lets do this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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