Chapter 3: Tutoring part 2

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I didn't fall to the ground, so all I had to do was look up at him. " You disgust me, you have a beautiful son that has so much going for him. He works so hard to make you proud by playing basketball. he hasn't done any of the work that the school assigns him because you push him so hard to be the best. If you can't see that than you need to take a good long look at yourself. Open your eyes Dan your son is scared of you and you are only making it worse. I turned away from Dan, Nathan are you ready? I will be give me ten minutes.Okay, he started walking upstairs and I followed him. When we got to his room he went to his closet and pulled out a suitcase. Nathan, what are you doing? I'm taking control of my life. what do you mean? I can't live in constant fear of Dan. I know that, but what about your mom, you can't just leave jer with him. MOM! Nathan ran out of the room, I ran after him down the stairs to a door that led to the basement. I saw a site that I will never be able to unsee. Deb was lying on the ground with chains that were attached to the wall. She had bruises everywhere, there was dry blood on her face. Oh my god! Nathan how long has she been down here. Two years, Dan told me hat if tried to help her he would make it worse. I didnt ask anymore questions. I bent down to help Nathan with his mom. I grabbed bobby pins that were lying around, I gave one to Nathan. As soon as he had a hold of the bobby he started to try and inlock the chains. After awhile we got all the chains off. Nathan picked her up and carefuly took her to his room, making sure Dan didn't see us. Nathan finished packing a bag for Deb and himself. I grabbed the bags and Nathan picked up Deb, we got out of the house without Dan seeing us. Once we got in the car Nathan didn't start it right away. I knew this whole time he was putting on a brave face, but he just couldn't anymore. Nathan go and sit in the back with your mom, I'll drive. You don't have to keep a brave face with me. Nathan didn't say a word but he got out of the car and moved to the drivers seat, started the car and drove out of the driveway. 

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