Chapter 4: The Hospital

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Once we got on the road I looked back at Nathan and Deb, I knew that I had to take Deb to the hospital. So that's were I drove, When I got there I got out. Nathan was asleep, I woke him up and told him where we were. Haley we can't be here. Why your mom needs help. This is the first place he'll look. Nathan, even if he does I'm not going to let him anywhere near her, neither are you. Haley there are other hospitals out of town where we can go. Nathan look at your mom she needs help now, she has been locked in a basement for two years. You're right, he picked her up and carried her in. We walked to the front desk and the front desk person looked up. Oh my god, what happened? she has been locked up in a basement for two years. who locked her in a basement? my dad.So who is this woman to you? She is my mom, can you please help her? Yews of course, doctor. I need a doctor over here. One of them came over and took Deb.Nathan didn't leave his mom's side until he had to, and when he did he broke down. I went over to him and just let him cry. It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay. I just kept saying that while he cried. Haley? he said after he stopped crying. Yea. I know that this is probably not the best time to be asking this, but you have seen me for more than just "Nathan Scott the basketball player." You cared enough to help tutor me, and you've seen the way my dad treats me. You also stood up for me, and your still here, will you be my girlfriend? I was shocked I couldn't get any words out, so I just kissed him, does that answer your question. Yes and then he kissed me again. When I pulled away I saw a nurse. Hi are you here to tell us about Deb? No, sorry I was just wondering if you were okay. Yea of course I'm fine why wouldn't I be? Well your eye is black and your cheek is bruised. Oh my god I completely forgot Dan hit me. Well lets just get you checked out and get some ice on it. Okay. Nathan and I followed the nurse into a room and then left to go grab some things. We sat there Silently waiting or the nurse to come back. We heard a noise but we thought it was coming from outside, until I saw movement in the corner. I got up to see what it was and as i got closer it looked like a person, but I kept getting closer to make sure. When I was about ten steps away from the corner I knew it was a person, but I couldn't tell who it was so I got closer and as soon as I did I regretted it. It was Dan, I tried to run back over to Nathan but before I could even turn around Dan grabbed me and I had a knife to my throat. Ah Nathan I was hoping that it wouldn't have to come to threatening you, but because you don't like listening to instructions, I'm going to make some new rules. Dad what do you want? Well I want the same thing as last time with a few small adjustments. Like what? Well first you and your mom would have to come home. No way, I'm not letting mom anywhere near you. It's either that or Haley can take your mom's spot. No way. I had finally gotten out of Dan's grip. Fine Haley there is no way I'm letting him near you. Nathan I promised that I wasn't going to let him anywhere near her and if this can help her than I'll do it. Okay now that, that is figured out I'm going to go to the house and fix up her room. After Dan left I turned to Nathan. What the hell are you thinking! I was thinking that i'm going to save your mom. Haley, I don't want you risking your life for my mom. Nathan, so what do you want, your mom to go back to being locked up. No, but I also don't want you to be locked up either. Nathan, we can lock up your dad. What do you mean? I f we can gather or record your dad we can build a case against him and probably lock him up. Haley you are a genius, but I have just one question. Okay what is? Well if we can build a case with you than why can't we just use the one we could build with my mom. Okay so now let me ask you a question, how many questions do you want to ask your mom about, and how many answers do you think she will want to think about let alone tell you about. So do you see why I have to do this, why I want to do this. Yes and thank you for doing this for me and my mother. Your welcome. 

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