Chapter 31

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Michela's POV

I sighed, wishing I could disappear. It was like nothing Harry and I did could truly be fun. First, we argue about alcohol, next there's a slutty waitress and now we have Aiden and Hannah. They approached us on either side, and Aiden rested his hand on my shoulder. I cringed, pulling away. Anger bubbled inside me. This was supposed to be a good day. Hannah approached on the other side, but Harry didn't give her the chance to even touch him. I had to hide my smile. 

"What are you doing here Aiden?" I asked, turning my chair to look directly at him.

"What's the problem? I'm just out with my sister having a good day. It's so fun that we got to run into you." Sarcasm dripped from his voice. So this is how it would be. I knew he didn't approve of Harry and I, but I didn't know he felt this strongly about it. Both of them pulled up chairs and sat down at our already tiny table. I glanced across at Harry, who was beyond agitated. I tried to give him a smile, but he looked away before I could even finish the smile. Sagging my shoulders, I crossed my arms and looked down.

"So, have we ordered yet?" Hannah asked. When she was greeted with silence, she grunted, raising her hand up and calling over the waitress. She appeared quickly, holding up her notepad. "I want a burger." Aiden nodded, agreeing with her. And just like that, the waitress was gone. We all sat in an awkward silence, and I wondered if anyone was actually going to speak. Finally, I cleared my throat, putting my elbows on the table.

"So, what is the real reason you both decided to ruin this incredibly nice day?"

"We have ruined nothing," Hannah spit, picking at her nails. "This was my place before it was every yours, if you must know." I visibly shrunk, confused as to how Hannah knew about such a remote place. Turning my gaze toward Harry, I realized exactly what I wished wasn't true. "Who do you think show'd him this place?" She whispered, glaring at me. I closed my eyes, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. I knew that if I didn't calm down I was sure to have a panic attack. I had been so good about keeping my head lately, and I was not going to let some bitch ruin it.

"Thanks Hannah, but I think he brought me here with him. Not you... So who's the real winner here?" I took a sip of water, not daring to look at Harry. I knew he would disapprove of even giving in to Hannah's words, but I couldn't help myself. She was too infuriating.

"Listen here bitch," she began.

"That's enough!" Harry said, slamming his hand on the table. It creaked a bit, but held it's ground. Pushing out my chair out, I stomped away, angry, hot tears running down my face. I didn't even know why I was crying. Maybe because regardless of what I did, Hannah would always fucking be there to hurt me. And I couldn't do a single thing about it. I walked outside the restaurant, smelling the food from outside. The dusty streets had began to stir, tiny gusts of wind sending it in circles down the street.

I began to feel like the dirt. Just going in circles wherever I was told to go. It wasn't like in Arizona. In Arizona I could do whatever I wanted, say whatever needed to be said, and didn't have to worry about being so damn sad all the time. I took a deep breath, contemplating leaving right at that second. Finally, I decided that I would leave, because I would rather sit in a car than sit with Hannah and Aiden. I began to walk away, but my arm was caught, pulling me back. I yanked my arm away, shrieking in fear. I turned, my body shaking when I saw a face I hadn't for months.

"Ryan," I whispered, feeling all the blood in my body freeze over. His face was just as beautiful as it always was, even when he was alive. I pulled my arm away, backing up in the street. He followed me, watching me with curious eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, feeling my head spin. "You're dead. You aren't here." I shook my head, turning and walking down the abandoned street. "You're dead Ryan!" My feet began to carry me faster until I was running. Finally, I found Harry's car, and just when I thought I was able to reach it, I tripped, falling hard onto the dirt. Putting my hands below me, I pushed myself up to find Ryan standing in front of me, his face dripping with blood. I screamed, pushing myself backward. Scramming off the ground, I turned back around and ran into another body. My hands met the person's chest, pushing me back once again. The tears were still running down my face, and now my chest was closing up. Looking up, I found Harry staring at me with confused and frightened eyes. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Sobbing into his shoulder, I attempted to tell him what happened, but knew regardless I would sound crazy.

I was crazy.

"Hey, calm down. It's just me. What happened?" He asked me, running one hand up and down my back. But I couldn't answer him. So instead, I continued to cry, wishing that I could disappear. And Harry just stood with me, whispering in my ear. "What can I do?" He asked me softly.

"Get me out of here," I told him, squeezing tighter. He only nodded, picking me up and taking me around to the other side of the car, getting me in and kissing my forehead. Before he pulled away, I grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him in to kiss me. He kissed me back, first with hesitance, and then with passion.

We always had that passion that I loved so much.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips.

"And I you," I told him, pulling away and leaning against the chair, hoping that the terrible thoughts would leave my mind.

Hi! This is super short, but only because I wanted to get an update in. Summer is upon me, and now I'm going to try to write as much as possible. I just need a chance to reread and get the story fresh in my mind. Hang in there with me. Hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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