Chapter 1: The Fair Fairy

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"Hey fellas!"

At Dog Man's house, Lil' Petey was running upstairs. He ran upstairs to see 80-HD painting  a silly painting of Dog Man and Maddie, with the two posing behind the canvas.

"The Fair Fairy is about to start," he told them, making them look at them.

"It's about to start?" Maddie asked looking at 80-HD and Dog Man. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The four ran downstairs, with Dog Man bursting through the painting. They sat in the living room, in which a dog puppet appeared on the screen.

"Hey, kiddies," he spoke before the screen then changed to the sky, in which an elderly woman wearing a blue sparkly dress, blue boots, a pair of glasses, wings, wore a gold crown and had a wand in her hand. "It's time for everyone's every show: The Fair Fairy."

"Who's that fairy in the air who makes things fair? She's the Fair Fairy, oh yeah!"

"Thank you, Downward Dog," the Fair Fairy thanked the puppet. The puppet turned out to be worn by her in her right hand.

"No prob," he replied.

"Before we begin today's show," the Fair Fairy started. "I'd like to apologize for my little, uh...bungle on last week's show."

"Bungle?" Downward Dog said, sounding shocked.

"Yes, I was under a lot of stress and-"

"Dude, you went totally bonkers!" Downward Dog pointed out.

"That's not true, Downward Dog," Fair Fairy told him. "And don't call me dude. We've talked about this."

"I was there, man!" Downward Dog pointed out. "You flipped out!"

"Now, now, I've already apologized for-"

"Hey, Gary!" Downward Dog called out, interrupting Fair Fairy. "Roll that clip from last week!"


"Don't listen to him, Gary!" Fair Fairy said, trying to retrain Downward Dog. "He's crazy!"

"Show it! Show it! Show it!"

"Don't you dare!"

The clip from last week was rolled, and the Fair Fairy showed up on the screen.      "Welcome back to our show, children," the Fair Fairy said, two kids standing next to her. "Our next guests are Tina and Ramone. Tina is upset because Ramone got two cookies, and she only got one."

"Yeah, that's not fair," Tina said.

"Well, you've come to the right show," the Fair Fairy told the two kids before taking one of Ramone's cookies. "Gimme that cookie, Ramone."


The Fair Fairy snapped the cookie in half. "Here you go, Tina," Fair Fairy said, giving Tina one of the halves and giving the other back to Ramone. "Now you each have one-and-a-half cookies."

"That's not fair," Ramone argued.

"Why not?" Fair Fairy asked.

"She got ice cream yesterday, and I didn't get any," Ramone answered.

"Hey, Gary!" Fair Fairy called out. "Do we have any ice cream onstage?"

"Here you go, kid." Gary brought a bowl of ice cream and gave it to Ramone.

"That's not fair," Tina said.

"Why not?" Fair Fairy asked.

"He's got mint chocolate chip, but I only got vanilla," Tina answered.

"Gary! More ice cream!" The Fair Fairy called out. Gary came back with another bowl and gave it to Tina.

"That's not fair," Ramone said.

"Why not?" The Fair Fairy asked. She was losing her patience.

"She got three scoops, but I only got two," Ramone said.

"GARY!" Fair Fairy called out.

Gary showed up and gave Ramone another scoop of ice cream. "That's not fair!" Tina said.

"Why?" Fair Fairy asked.

"His ice cream has more chocolate chips than mine!" Tina said.

"Her spoon is bigger than mine!" Ramone argued.

"My ice cream is all melty!"

"Mine is meltier than hers!"

"It's not fair!" Tina and Ramone cried.

"Enough!" Fair Fairy was fed up. "Gimme that bowl!"

The Fair Fairy took Tina's bowl and threw it at the floor, shattering it only pieces. "You get nothing!"

"And you gimme your bowl!" Fair Fairy did the same with Ramone's bowl. "Nothing for you, too!"

"You both get nothing!" The Fair Fairy said as Tina and Ramone started running away. "Now it's fair!"

The Fair Fairy laughed evilly and the clip ended. Downward Dog stared blankly at the Fair Fairy. "See? I told you," he said. "You were tripping, dude!"

"Well, that won't happen again!" Fair Fairy told Downward Dog sternly.  "I'm much calmer today. And stop calling me 'dude'!"

"Whatevs," Downward Dog replied.

"Now let's welcome our first guests, Tim and Brenda," the Fair Fairy said, two new kids standing next to her. "Tim is angry because Brenda got two toys, and he got only one."

"Yeah, it's not fair," Tim agreed.  Nine minutes later, things went wrong again. Tim and Brenda managed to get on Fair Fairy's nerves like Tina and Ramone have.

"Gimme that toy," the Fair Fairy said. She stomped on the kid's toy, smashing it into pieces. "You get nothing!"

"Now it's fair!"

The Fair Fairy laughed evilly. Maddie covered Lil' Petey's eyes from the terrifying sight as 80-HD and Dog Man gasped with shock.

"Hey, Dog Man, Maddie," Lil' Petey said as Dog Man grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Maddie uncovered Lil' Petey's eyes as he then looked at her and Dog Man. "Was that show inappropriate?"

Dog Man: Fetch-22 with Petey and MaddieWhere stories live. Discover now