sick hcs (updated)

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I didn't like how I did it before so yes, this is an updated version :)

- Just wants to rest but that's absolutely not happening when she's with these people
-Always having to drink hot chocolate to keep herself awake
-Getting dragged out of bed to discipline the rest of the gang whenever Blake leaves
-Can never get any sleep because their house is a mess
-Yells at everyone when she gets better for disturbing her

-A literal drama queen
-Probably just buries herself under her covers for a good two seconds before throwing them all off cause she gets extremely hot
-"ROBIN IM FUCKING DYING!" *sighing intensifies* "Misty, just take the damn medicine"
-Will force someone to take care of her
-Would probably fake being sick for a whole week just to get out of doing house chores
-Sad that she can't play her video games :(
-"Misty why are playing The sims I though you were sick?" "... I still am??"
-Basically a big baby

-Just stays in his room all day everyday
-Sleeps, and eats, and sleeps, and eats, that's basically all his daily routine consists of
-Switches from: "Ugh this is the worst :(" to: "UGH THIS IS THE FUCKING WORST >:("
-Specifically requests for Ash and only Ash to take care of him cause he can't stand anyone else
-Will never drink medicine, someone will literally have to shove a spoon in his mouth to get him to do it
-Will drink tea though
-Will also low-key fake being sick just as an excuse to be lazy

-Second most normal one when sick,,,, but really no one in this group is normal
-He probably just sleeps a bunch and only wakes up to eat food
-Will still do his chores cause he's a good kid :)
-Feels like absolute shit but tries to power through it,,,,,,,,, which he probably collapses trying to do
-Probably just like,,, dead asleep the whole time he's sick
-Also probably has a raspy voice when sick
-Literally better by the end of the week

-An absolute monster when sick (jk jk I love Phoenix)
-Will insist she doesn't need taking care of but is just really stubborn and won't admit she wants it
-Buries herself under the covers
-Also hates medicine with a burning passion and would rather die than take it
-"Come on Phoenix you have to go to the doctor!" "YOUR NOT MY MOM! YOU CANT MAKE ME!!"
-Coughs every two seconds
-Phoenix probably cries when she gets sick (because I almost always used to)
-Would probably only let Robin take care of her (she probably used to get taken care of by spiral when she was sick)
-"Are we sure she's sick and this isn't just Phoenix throwing another tantrum?"

-Never even realizes he's sick, someone literally has to point it out before he realizes it himself
-"Woah my throat hurts, and so does my head, and it feels like my eyesight is getting worse and worse". "Blake, your sick". "... OH!"
-Passes the time by reading books, or watching horror movies
-Will still do house chores despite the fact that he feels sick (like the dad he is)
-Just powers through being sick (except he's way better at doing it then Ash)
-Almost always completely fine the next day

-Literally the only normal one when sick
-Normal as in; gets the right amount of rest, drinks tea and eats soup
-Though she probably hates taking medicine
-Whenever the gang see her sick they're always like "aww :(! poor thing!!"
-Pretty much a baby
-Her voice just gets 10x more softer
-Either better by the next day or the day after that

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