a bunch of tep hc's

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(There's a shit ton of headcanons here, wrote way too much in this one)

-Carmen and Jinx are either ex's or have kissed each other at least once, I will not take any argument. Thank you.

-Dawn made everyone friendship bracelets like the angel that she is and everyone wears them because they don't want to upset her whatsoever.

-Jack, Oscar, and Spiral spend their weekends gossiping together when they have literally nothing else to do.

-The first time Brook and Ash kissed Phoenix snapped a picture and sent it to the group chat.

-Phoenix and Robin fight like an old couple.

-Blake is an absolute mess but is amazing at making everyone think that he's calm, cool, and collective.

-I don't know why but I like to imagine this scenario where Robin leaves for the summer to go visit her parents and Phoenix goes absolutely crazy without having her around.

-Brook has a video saved on his phone of Phoenix confessing her love to Robin while being very drunk

-Jack has dirt on basically all of his classmates cause he just sits down in the back eavesdropping on all their conversations (then he tells Spiral and Oscar).

-Dawn and Misty have this sister-like relationship and it's fucking adorable.

-Whenever Blake gets sick he won't even realize it until someone points it out.

-"No homo" says Carmen, as she's holding a sleeping Jinx in her arms.

-Misty and Robin do this thing where they read super dramatic ass books and whenever something shocking happens they look at each other and go ":O"

-Jack can knit, and he made sweaters for Oscar and Spiral cause it's fucking adorable and I love this trio with all my heart

-Ash and Brook like to binge watch Disney movies together as like a tradition of some sort.

-Misty has a sweet tooth, she lives on candy, cookies, ice cream, soda, literally anything sweet and if she doesn't have them she'll shut down for the whole day.

-Once, a random person asked Phoenix and Brook if they were dating and they've never looked at each other the same since

-Spiral and Robin are the only people who've actually seen Phoenix cry.

-Oscar doesn't pay attention in school at all but will ace all of his tests and no one ever understands why.

-Blake helps Brook brush his hair in the morning cause he can't do it himself (like the true dad he is).

-Carmen, the rulers of Marelsia, and Jinx are all in a friendship group and they get into the stupidest shit together.

-Jack is pretty much a huge ball of sunshine people just don't see that side of him as much.

-Misty spams the group chat at night, Ash is only active when he's most interested, Brook is always active, Phoenix only goes on to insult everyone, Robin created the group chat, Dawn has to calm down dangerous situations, and Blake's basically never active.

-Once, Robin left Misty on read for a good few seconds and Misty acted like her life was over after that.

-Misty and Ash stan loona and their so proud of it they bought the group light stick and everything.

-Misty and Ash also tell the most horrible dad jokes ever and that shit makes them laugh so much to the point they can't breath anymore and the others just stand there like: (●__● )

-Oscar doesn't know how to do his hair, since no one ever taught him, so Spiral does it for him

-Wednesday collects the most random things she can find in the forest and just keeps it on a pedestal she has in her house (pebbles, bottle caps, cups, silverware, utensils, literally just trash)

-Blake looks dead while he's asleep

-Robin and Brook are extremely competitive in Minecraft and Mario Cart

-Robin is one of the only people who can annoy Phoenix and not have it end with her getting a black eye

-Phoenix is absolutely horrible at taking compliments, she'll just freeze up and start stuttering

-In the beginning of their friendship, Robin would purposely let Misty win rock, paper, scissors so that she wouldn't feel bad for losing

-Misty's room is messy but clean at the same time, like- there's stuff just piling up in a corner but she always knows where everything is

-Carmen can't stand filth, it absolutely disgusts her and if she sees something even a bit filthy she'll take her stuff and leave

-Ash bullies kids on Roblox for fun and Brook always scolds him about it but he doesn't care

-The gang have a memory book thingy which they keep in a secret spot where's there's just photos of them getting into mischief throughout the school year

-Brook just likes letting his hair grow out, he doesn't ever wanna cut it

-Carmen draws the line at roaches and spiders, she can deal with kicking kids through portals, but insects? Absolutely not

-Phoenix is very overprotective of Robin but won't ever admit

-Ash probably has painted nails, and Dawn does them for him cause he always messes up

-Misty is scared of the dark and sometimes wakes Robin up in the middle of the night to walk her to the bathroom

-Ash sometimes randomly carries Brook in bridal-style just to get a reaction out of him

-It's so easily for Ash to flirt with a random person but as soon they reciprocate those feelings he gets all flustered

-Misty has everyone's zodiac signs memorized and is low-key creepy about it

-Let's all be honest, Blake would murder someone for Dawn

-Ash gets jealous really easily (it's pretty much canon)

-Carmen gives off grandma energy. And not like: makes you cookies, knits you sweaters, is super caring and loving no not like that, she's just old and probably is super miserable for no reason

-Robin is an animal person, mostly because she grew up around so many of them

-The gang like to watch a bunch of horror movies on Saturday's (that Blake always recommends), and it's always super chaotic and a mess always ends up being made

-Misty's wings flap at an abnormal rate when she's nervous or surprised (pretty sure I stole this hc from someone else? please tell me if I did,,,,)

-Whenever Blake leaves Robin takes the role of being the gangs mother and they always listen to her (she doesn't get why)

-After the gang graduated they just spent the entire summer together cause Robin would be going home for college and they wouldn't be seeing each other for a while

-When they were saying goodbye to Robin, Phoenix held onto her for a good ten minutes cause she just didn't want to let her go yet and said: "if you don't visit i'll go over there and kill you" and Robin couldn't tell if she was joking or not

(I haven't updated this book in years help- anyways, making these adds ten years to my lifespan 💯)

(I also low-key teared up at while writing the last two but you'd never actually know/hj)

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