~5. „But she healed my wounds."~

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Tensed... Dizzy... God.. my body hurts like a bitch... what happ-

My eyes shot open widely and I gasped out. What happened? I took in my surroundings. Trees, stones, moss. I'm in the woods. Birds chirped softly. Wind sizzled by. A Brook seemed to be close. Was I alone again?

Suddenly cracked a stick somewhere and I tensed. Oh, how I wish I was alone now. Please don't let this be anyone... My eyes were focused on my surroundings, whilst I tried to grab something close to me, but when I moved my arm, pain streamed through it and not just that kind of 'I got a scratch' pain. That shit hurt honestly.

I hissed and dared to look down on myself. My clothes were drowned in blood and dirt, yet my right arm was wrapped in something else. Memories filled my mind with pictures of Trollocs, darkness, bright, white light and the Aes Sedai. Was she alive? What about her Warder, Lan? Did they even exist? Was it all a dream?

My thoughts were interrupted, when the face of him showed up in front of me.

"You're awake."

"Well-" I cleared my voice. "Yeah." My brows knitted slightly.

"How's the arm?"

"Oh, it's just a sore scratch." I downplayed the pain. I bet he's off worse- what about the brunette? Was she okay? "What about..."

"Moiraine is at the brook, to fill up our water." I nodded at his answer.

Well, I didn't want to feel relieved, yet I did. I was immensely relieved. She was alive...

"Come on, we need to go." Lan spoke and helped me up onto my feet.

A hell of pain was put onto my whole body, as I walked, yet I didn't want to show it. Instead my jaw was clenched, as were my fists.

My eyes fell onto the woman, who secured stuff on her saddle. She did appear to be alright. Did I imagine her being hurt? I mean I did hit my head... Her brown waves swung around, as she gazed at us coming closer.

"I'm glad you're awake." The Aes Sedai spoke. She sounded kinda unbothered, by the fact I was in fact awake. My heart sunk a little. Was I disappointed? No. Never. Not because she wouldn't be glad to see me alive. "Eat something, you will need the energy." The Aes Sedai handed me piece of bread and with the food in my hand I kneeled down next to the water, muscles and bones aching.

Water. Isn't the sound of it awfully calming?

My ribs pained as well as my nose and my arm. What a fun thing... I washed my sleeves and face, while holding the piece of bread in between my teeth. The water was cold, yet refreshing and numbing.

The bread did taste quite... usual. It was good though.

Whilst I nibbled at the food, I carefully observed Lan and her talking next to the... two horses? Where is my horse?

"Where the hell is my horse?" I spoke with food inside my mouth.

"The Trollocs got it, while we saved your ass." The woman explained. "Can we leave now? The way will be long."

I breathed out and pushed myself carfully up. "Sure."

"You'll ride with me and Lan makes sure we're on the right path and don't get into trouble."

I'm doing what? The brunette and I will share her horse? Now I am not sure how to feel about that. On one hand I am pissed, yet on the other I am somewhat excited... no, I'm not excited. It's still the Aes Sedai I'm thinking about here... an impressive woman —enough.

Then within the blink of an eye I sat in front of her. I did argue about where I was going to sit, yet she won. Of course she did...
It did make most sense to put me in front of her, cause of my arm. I couldn't wrap them around her, when I couldn't even move it properly.

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