~11."I thought you weren't a four year old."~

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*Emee's POV*

I woke up to the sounds of steps roaming around the tent. Not too pleasant... I turned around to take a look at the person, yet as I turned around soreness spread between my legs and I remembered the events of the previous night. Quietly, I groaned out and the steps stopped immediately.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled and cracked my eyes open, catching the brunette sneaking out.

Something inside of me ached. It hurted badly to know she wanted to leave. To sneak out without another word. Was this after all just something she'd do for fun? To fool me? I thought I might be able to trust her after all... I knew I should not trust her.

The woman turned around, a soft smile upon her face. "Em, I have things to do. I didn't want to wake you."

I sighed in relief. "Oh."

Her soft chuckles filled the tent. "Don't worry. Just put on clothes, we don't need you to catch a cold, do we?"

I looked down. The blanket covered my naked body. It was indeed cold, but I didn't quite realize it immediately.

I rolled over onto my belly and slightly angled my knee, which forced me hiss.

"Sore?" Due to her comment my skin heated up and blush spread across my face. "I take that as a yes." She approached me quickly and suddenly channeled the One Power, which immediately took the soreness.

The brunette lifted my chin with her pointing finger. I gazed directly into her piercing blue eyes. They have to be magical. A single look into those blue oceans, could pull you with ease into their spell. I took in her natural scent a last time and she placed her lips on my forehead for a short, yet meaningful peck. At least I hoped so.

"Put on clothes. Oh and... do me a favor?" I waited for her to continue. "Don't talk to anyone, about anything. Every single Aes Sedai here has their own intentions. I barely trust them with little details of my orders." I nodded and her finger let go of my chin. Moiraine took a step away and turned around again. "No word."

"Yes, ma'am. I think I have told you this a million times by now, but I am not a four year old." I rolled my eyes.

"You clearly didn't think so last night." She winked and my face blushed badly, as she referred to the previous hours. "Put on clothes." The woman made a circling motion with her pointer and left me alone in the tent.

Still red as a freaking tomato, I laid there.

"Fucking idiot!" I groaned to myself and pulled the covers over my head.

For the next few minutes I continued on laying there, in bed. It was too cozy to get up. However, the brunette was right. It was indeed freezing and I wouldn't want to catch a cold, even though the Aes Sedai could probably heal me again.

Within the next minutes, I had managed to crawl out of bed and to get ready. I actually felt quiet warmer already and way cleaner.

What would Moiraine have to do? How could she always have something to do? I mean she always had things to do and within her mission she had another and within a plan was another. How was someone supposed to understand her actions?

And so I sat on the bed. What was I waiting for? I could have left the tent minutes ago. I could have grabbed something to eat -I truly was hungry.

I grasped the decision and grabbed myself breakfast from the campfire. The sun just rose, which meant the sky looked beautifully pinkish. I sat down at the campfire, to keep myself a little warm. The tent had a nice temperature, yet I wanted to get some fresh air into my lungs.

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