~13. "You'll be okay..."~

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*Emee's POV*

Are you able to do sight seeing inside a building? Or did this count as a gallery walk? I mean those hallways were incredible!

Am I doing well at this? I tried to walk somewhat expectable, yet I would say it looked far more stiff. At least I received new clothes. They looked pretty good to be honest. They were kept in a creamish white tone. Kinda nice.

Now, I have been practically everywhere in the tower and I needed to keep moving or else my mind was racing. So, I quickly rounded the corner and bumped into someone.

"My apologies." I mumbled quietly, while straightening my clothes.

"It's alright, dear." Liandrin spoke and smiled. "Are you okay?" I nodded and put on my fakest smile.

"Sure. It's really beautiful here."

The blonde agreed. "Indeed. The White Tower is the birth place of every Aes Sedai."

Why is she talking about that again?

"Have you continued your training yet?" I shook my head. "Mh.. and did the Amyrlin Seat set up an audience?" I shook my head again. "Well, perhaps our mother is busy or Moiraine kept you secret from her." Liandrin took a step forward and our shoulders touched. The woman leaned a little in, tucked hair behind my ear and whispered: "It might be for the best. She should keep her puppy on the short leash. Are you even allowed to roam through the corridors on your own?" The woman chuckled and it made me furious.

My fingertips tingled enormously and a flash of light speed through the air.

"Perhaps, you let that checked up." She referred to the flash of light and so she left.

I clenched my fists in anger. Where did that come from?! She was such a nice person in the camp! What was that now?! She was such a bitch!
And Moiraine even warned me! God, this makes it even worse! I was too proud to listen to her, because she pissed me off and now-

I snorted out in anger and walked through the tower, until I finally walked onto the streets of the city. The cold air hit my face and I exhaled relieved. My eyes traveled through the streets. Suddenly, I caught a sign. A library. Perhaps, I'll find information about why I was here.  Information were always good.

I closed the door behind me, still feeling my blood boiling.

"What a fake ass bitch!" I cursed out in between gritted teeth.

"That's a strong language you're using." Spoke someone in such a deep voice, that I almost jumped and ran. Heavy steps approached me and then there stood something? Someone? Now, that was rude, but I truly didn't know what he was.

"My apologies." I spoke and the man? Approached me.

"Oh, you humans are fascinating! What shall I call you?" He asked.

Was I allowed to tell him? I already messed it up with Liandrin... what would Moiraine do? My heart ached at the thought of the brunette.

"Emee." I whispered. I cleared my voice and spoke a little stronger again. "Emee Cyan." He chuckled amused.

"Tell me, Emee Cyan of the Aiel race, what brings you here?" The rather mysterious man asked.

I knitted my brows. "Aiel? I'm no Aiel and I'm not from the Aiel Waste either."

Chuckles filled the room. "You're not telling the truth, Emee Cyan, but tell me: where are you making people believe you are from?"

"The Two Rivers." He laughed out heartedly.

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