~6. „Can you hear me?"~

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A day had passed again and Moiraine didn't wake up. She was incredibly weak. We would have to find help today. Lan, hold her within his arms, while we were riding the horses through the woods mostly. We hid in-between the green. He didn't seem to mind it at all. They are like siblings, without the fighting and screaming, instead with understanding and emotional stuff and bonds.

We just had taken another break, so the horses could rest, but mostly it was Lan who needed to take a break. He carried Moiraine the whole way, the whole time. Hours he had hood her.

Now, Lan wanted to continue that, however I made a suggestion.

"I could carry Moiraine, so you make sure we're taking the safe route." The man battled that thought, yet he knew just as I did, that this was in fact the smartest thing we could have done.

"Fine, but you have to-" I interrupted him.

"I'm taking care of her. I babysat some kids in my village, a grown up woman will hopefully not be harder." I chuckled to lighten the mood a little.

He sighed, "Just make sure she's safe while you ride."

"I am."

"Well, on the horse then." I nodded and did that.

Lan placed Moiraine's weak body in my arms. Her breathing had gotten so much worse. Shallow and flat. Her breathing was barely there and her skin pale and shiny.

We rode and rode through the woods. The horses were fast. The woman in front of me was still sleeping, even when we took another break.

The man walked towards me. "You are tiny and still carried her all the way."

"Don't underestimate a tiny woman of the Two Rivers." I smiled.

"Oh I will not do that."

Lan picked Moiraine up and placed her weak body halfway hidden behind some stones and in the moos. I got off the horse and walked up to them. He kneeled next to her and checked her forehead for temperature.

"She's clammy..." Lan muttered quietly.

Then suddenly he stood up and walked back to his horse. He was probably just getting a blanket or something.

My idea was wrong.

Lan got back on the horse and glimpsed at me. "Make sure she stays warm. I'll search for help."

"I-" I tried to stop the man, without success. Obviously. These two loved to have the last word.

The black haired man would have disappeared in a cloud of dust, if the ground was dry enough. However Lan did disappear quickly out of my sight.

He really left us alone. What would he do, if I ran away? Moiraine would lay in the forest all on her own. Now that's not very responsible.

A shaky breath made me twitch my gaze immediately towards the woman in front of me. Her head moved a wee bit aside and as soon as that happened I was on the ground next to her.

"Can you hear me?" Should I call her by her name? I haven't ever done that.. no. It was not right. "Aes Sedai, I dare you to better stay with me, cause if you die, I will bring you back to life somehow and kill you myself." I frowned little, but there was no reaction.

I must have imagined something there.

She had to get better. Lan had to find help. God, he drove me crazy, while we were riding the horses. So talkative.. jokes. I tried to find out why I was actually with them, but I couldn't get anything out of him.

But I had a right to know the reason why I was wanted in the White Tower! Moiraine didn't tell me the reason either and it still drove me insane and so did she. These past days I was tense all the time. I couldn't sleep properly. Every little noise woke me up and I thought it was Moiraine's last breath... I bet my eye bags are huge and dark. As if I cared about...

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