~12. "Oatmeal cookies."~

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*Emee's POV*

We almost ran through the corridors of the White Tower. Moiraine kept looking behind, to check if I was still there. Her eyes spoke for herself. What was wrong with her? Ever since the brunette left the tent, she behaved differently and I hated it. I deeply despised it. I felt used and fucking iced out! She may had placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving, yet she treated me like I was just her order...

We rounded another corner and I almost bumped into the other woman, as she hold a door open for me. I blinked twice, before entering the room.

My eyes traveled across my view. It looks so... clean and empty. There was this bed, a chest of drawers and a nightstand, well and some torches. At least the windows were big enough to look through, otherwise it would almost look like a jail cell...

"Stay in here, until I'm back. Rest, our journey was long and it's late." Moiraine spoke calmly and she was about to turn around and leave when I stopped her.

"Are you mad at me or something? Cause I can't stop thinking I did-" I tried it again.

"Just stay in here. I'll be back." Moiraine interrupted me.

I knitted my brows. "Moiraine! Don't you dare to just leave! Talk to me!" I almost yelled.

"I have things to do, I'll be back. Just stay in here, okay? No one in the tower really should be trusted. You'll be far more safe, if you stay in here, little dove." Now it was my turn to cut in.

"Oh, but I can trust you, Aes Sedai? You are one of them. And don't call me that." I spoke in a rather strong voice.

I really thought I hit a nerve and she would have turned around, yet Moiraine took a step closer to the door.

"Perfect. Yeah, just leave." I mumbled and turned around, placing my pointer and thumb on the bridge of my nose, shaking my head.

Soon, the door was closed and I exhaled deeply, while walking towards one of the windows. As I looked outside, my eyes immediately fell upon the tiny dots of light, down in the city. The tower was truly so huge-

All of a sudden, hands wrapped around my middle, which caused me jump a little. My heart skipped a beat, meanwhile I gasped out in fright. I remained silent, afterwards. Moiraine's chin placed on my shoulder, her front pressed against my back.

"Don't be mad at me." She cooed into my ear, as she tucked a strand of hair behind it. Her hot breath hovered over my neck.

"Am not." I replied shortly.

"Oh? So I just hallucinated that?" She chuckled and stroke along my sides. Goosebumps spread across my skin, making me shiver slightly. The brunette's fingertips slid slowly across my stomach, tingling me slightly. Bit by bit I sensed how relaxed I grew and how the inner storm began to cool down. I didn't want to give her any credit for it, though. I was goddamn pissed at her after all! And disappointed.

When her lips were about to connect with my skin, I escaped her embrace and walked over to the other window, staring outside into the night sky, where the moon shone. My arms crossed in front of my chest and I bit my inner cheek.

"Now, you do not do quite a decent job at hiding your anger, little dove." Moiraine spoke amused and I hold my breath for a split second, at the mention of the pet name.

"Perhaps, I'm not hiding anything." I referred to her behavior around everyone.

The brunette treated me strangely ever since the unleashing of the One Power or more after we were in the tent.

"Oh, that's what you mean." The Aes Sedai sighed, somehow she sounded relieved. Moiraine stepped closer and I took steps away. Yet, she came closer and closer, whilst my space to stay away from her grew smaller and smaller.

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