~8. "You simply need to focus!"~

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*Emee's POV*

A few weeks later and I was still traveling with the Aes Sedais. We have been slower these past days. Some complications slowed us down, yet the tiniest change in our time schedule made everyone here low-key freak out. It was strange. Immensely strange. It was just a delay. No big deal. Right?

However, we had settled down for the night, about an hour ago. The tents were built up again and so the rest. That one Aes Sedai of the red whatever, sneaked a lot around me. Honestly, I felt as if she knew more than me, but she wasn't sure about something, so she continued sneaking around.

I walked through the camp, kicking some of the dirt out of my way, as I passed tent after tent. The previous weeks, I hadn't tried to flee for once. I only ever thought about it, yet something made me change my mind over and over again. Actually more a someone. It was Moiraine. I had gotten so used to her voice and her way of acting around everyone. I simply had gotten used to her as a person. I liked her. I found that out a few days after we had arrived here, when Moiraine nearly died. With lots of effort, I had tried to push every single thought about this woman into a corner of my mind and for a few hours it worked out, that was until she walked into my view.

For the past days I developed... I don't even want to think about it... I developed new feelings for her. My heart ached at the thought of her, because I could never tell her. Moiraine would never think about me the way I thought about her.
Apart from that, I heard Aes Sedais weren't allowed to have a partner. The red Aes Sedai was pretty particular about that. Gosh, she annoyed me the most. She was always there and sniffed around.

"Where are you going, little dove?" Spoke suddenly the brunette from behind me and I squealed internally at the pet name.

I turned around. There she stood in all her elegance.

"I thought I'd flee. Too obvious?" I chuckled and crossed my arms, when freezing wind sizzled along my body.

It grew pretty chilly all of a sudden. Almost as if the deepest winter set in on the second.

Moiraine rose one of her eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna argue about the name?"

I sighed. "Well would that change anything?"

The woman suppressed a smile. "No, it would not."

"Did you want anything, Aes Sedai?"

She exhaled and invited me to follow her, "Come with me."

Slowly I agreed and we walked into the woods. Usually one should not follow someone into the dark woods. It was what every child was taught. But she was not a stranger.

"Sit." Moiraine motioned for me to seat myself on a close by tree stump.

As I did as she asked, she loosened her necklace and grabbed my hand. "I want you to channel."

I snorted out a laugh. "Oh and what else shall I do? Revive people from the dead?"

"Focus. I'm not in the mood for jokes. Time is limited." Moiraine spoke sternly and there was really no hint of a joke in her voice.

"I can't channel." I scoffed, whilst the brunette placed her necklace in my palm and hold my hand in place.

It already noticed the excitement rushing through me. Her touch was tender, yet it was not her intension.

"We'll see, but I surely am right..." She gazed into my eyes. "Focus onto the pendant," I frowned, yet I did what she asked me to.

My eyes stared down into my hand, where the small pendant was placed.

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