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🌼 ̈1 ̈ ̈10 ̈ ̈2021 ̈🌼

"You go to my school?" Jimin asked "then why have I never seen you?" he turned his head in Jungkook's direction, the nerves from when he'd first entered Jungkook's house had come back.

"I was going to tell you but I was embarrassed... because I did something wrong and got suspended but I'm coming back in 3 days" Jungkook smiled.

"Ah really.." Jimin asked "what building are you in?" He added, within the school there were 2 cafeterias one called cafeteria A and one called Cafeteria B

For some reason people referred to them as buildings even though they were both in the same building.

The reason it was separate was because they were people of different levels Taehyung's group was the with higher levels and Jimin and Jungkook's were with the lower levels.

Jungkook and Jimin had maths together because Jungkook was good at maths, just like Jimin was good at the few subjects he shared with Taehyung.

Jimin had hoped that maybe if Jungkook wasn't from the same building he would probably want to beat up the people who jumped Jimin.

The day Jimin had gotten beaten up Jungkook had gotten mad Jimin had told him it was a one time thing and that they wouldn't do anything to him again.

But that wasn't true because they'd done it 2 times again since then they just stopped going for the face so it was less obvious.

Jungkook had a feeling it was his friends but he needed to be sure before he did anything, when he'd first found out he'd been angry and sure he'd beat up whoever it was that hurt Jimin.

But now he wasn't sure what's he was going to do, he had a reputation to live up to, those friends was all he was used to, he wasn't used to anything else.

He was used to that school life.

He wasn't sure if he could let something like the person he'd caught feelings for make him throw everything he was used to away.

"Building B, you?" Jungkook questioned "yeah...I'm also building B" Jimin smiled "really? That's great, we'll be able to spend more time together" Jungkook beamed.

And Jimin nodded.


It was only the next day that Jimin gained 2 new bruises on his face.

It had been lunch but he hadn't planned on eating, the boys usually got to it before he could eat any of it anyway.

He decided to just get a cup of water then stay in the bathroom on the other side of the school.

But then that went out of the window when he'd gotten caught before he could get the water.

It was typical Eunwoo Mingyu and Yugyeom, the three of them had crept up to him from behind and grabbed the back of his hoodie, using it to yank him back.

Jimin barely had time to react he just about managed to stop his head from smashing into the ground, the way they pulled him back didn't give him enough time to use his hands to stop his body from hitting the ground as hard as it did.

He muttered a quiet "shit" under his break not bothering to look up at the three knowing it would only cause more problems.

He could hear the snickering and cursing at him but he was glad they weren't hitting him- nevermind.

"Hey we're talking to you, bastard" Yugyeom shouted as he kicked Jimin in the side.

The others joined in with kicking him a second later.

And by the time they were satisfied they Jimin felt sore all over, not just his body his face felt sore too.

One of the boys had missed his shoulder and hit him right in the side of his face.

"Fuck" he breathed, it was disgusting how people saw and just continued walking or just watched.

None of them even tried to stop the boys.

Once Jimin could manage to get off the floor he made his way to the exit.

He was sure he would be able to get out of the school and home without any interruptions but he barely made it out of the school before he was bumping into someone.

His body being so weak he fallen


"Watch wh-Jimin holy shit"

It was Jungkook.

They spoke at the same time, and something about Jungkook's tone before he'd realised it was Jimin made him grow a little weirded out.

"Are you ok, what on earth happened" it took less than a second for Jungkook to be the younger side.

Jimin just stared down at his shoes, he wanted to say he was fine but he could already feel his eyes watering " body really hurts".

The poor boy didn't even know what to do, his boyfriend sat in front of him crying his heart out.

He wanted to hug him and tell him it was ok, but that would only make his body hurt more, and he didn't know what was going on, how could he tell Jimin it would be alright.

Yet before he even had the time to properly think about what to do someone came running down the hall shouting "Jimin".

It was Taehyung.

By the time he'd reached them he'd been so out of breath he could barely speak "let's get you to the nurse, I swear to God the moment we are done there I'm going straight to the head office of whatever the fuck it is".

His words were coming out all rushed and his breaths heavy, and despite being so out of breath he managed to extend a hand for Jimin to take.

"T-Taehyung" Jimin stuttered now feeling even worse than he did when it was just Jungkook.

"Come on" Taehyung bent down and helped the younger up, only when Jungkook helped him help Jimin get up did Taehyung realize it was Jungkook.

"Jungkook?" he couldn't help the way his cheeks turned a light shade of red from being so close to his crush "aren't you on a 2 month suspension?" Taehyung questioned.

"T-two months!" Jimin gasped despite his tears, Taehyung leaned a little closer to Jimin whispering in his ear "that's the guy I like" "uh, my dad wanted to see me for a moment" Jungkook had ignored the whispering.

But not the way Jimin's eyes widened at whatever Taehyung had whispered, but not for long as he quickly swallowed before looking up at Jungkook "w-what did you do get suspended for 2 months?" He asked.

"I...well I wasn't necessarily suspended my dad just made me work at home, take a break, it was really a suspension in my opinion, he just didn't want me around the people I'm around".

Before Jimin could question who the people he was around was Jungkook was speaking again "but anyway let's get you to the nurse yeah".

🔸▪️Chapter 4🔸▪️

Guys I feel bad about only posting twice a week, like I know it's a normal schedule but because I used to post 3-5 chapters a week of my other books last year it feels a little weird to have schedule.

I'm not going to change it though because I don't know If I'll be able to keep up but I will double update today!

𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝔂 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now