oh um hi im Davina-ann

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   Dav's pov 

im kinda nervous i haven't seen pipes and momma in 5 years!!

just chill *said anna my roommate*

yeah your right *i said back too her*

this is what your wearing

this is what your wearing

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this is your hairstyle:

there was a knock on the door

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there was a knock on the door

Its time to go ms Rockelle said the woman

okay i only need to get my necklace'i said back while getting my necklace of my bed

i hugged Annalise before i left 

we were in the car to i guess the new house

when we came to the destination i stepped out and hugged the woman

she was very sweet towards all the kids 

after she drove away i saw someone at the front door 

Hi *i said*

hello he said back

do you maybe know a piper rockelle?  i asked him

yes she is my girlfriend he answerd back 

okay im her older sister Davina-ann i answerd him

im Lev

after that the door opened it was a girl with blonde hair

she was very pretty like she could be a model

Lev said to the girl:emily this is pipers sister 

Emily:wait- she has a sister!

i guess she hasnt told them

Emily:well come in i will get piper for you

Me:okay thank you

i waited by the stairs 

within a minute piper came rushing downstairs

and runs to you and hugs you like this

and runs to you and hugs you like this

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Piper:I missed you so much!!!

Me:i did too 

after we hugged she saw the necklace that she gave me 

Piper:you still have the necklace

Me:yeah ofcourse i have anyways introduce me to all your friends!


piper:this is emily,Lev,Jenna,Elliana and Jentzen

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now