hawaii here we come!

880 11 0

the next day

pipers pov

oh no i forgot to tell the squad about the sleepover 

the squad

pipes:heyy gm everyone can u all meet me at the house i have a suprise and bring a suitcase with the stuff that u will need asap!!!!!

loser 2:is everything okay piper?

pipes:yes just pack ur suitcase!!!!!!!

Ell:okay okay

Em:i will be there in 30 minutes

chihuahua:guys piper is going insane!!

loser 1:piper are u sure that ur okay??



jentzens pov

im kinda nervous and happy

bc i will see davina again!! but we were supposed to go on a date today welp lets just text her

 davina as someone<3

jentzen as loverboy<3

loverboy<3:hey dav 


loverboy<3:i know that we were supposed to go on a date today but ig thats cancelled:(

someone<3:we will find a way dont worry:)

loverboy<3:kk are u packed yet?

someone<3:yeah u?

loverboy<3:yeah same im kinda bored in my house tho

someone:i can ask hunter if he can pick u up early?

loverboy<3:yes pleaseeeeee

someone<3:kk see ya later<3


davs pov

i just finished talking to jentzen and now its time to get ready

i just finished talking to jentzen and now its time to get ready

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ur outfit

the hairstyle

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the hairstyle

Hunter:hey davina are u going with me to pick jentzen up?

me:sure just a sec

ur jewlery

its a teenwolf spiral

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its a teenwolf spiral

me:okay hunter im done!

hunter:k lets go

*hunter starts the car*

hunter:u ready??


15 minutes later

*jentzen walks out of the door with his suitcase and hops in the car*


jentzen:hey ann

15 minutes later

we stepped out of the car and walked into the house 

short chapter im out of ideas!!!

the ship name issssssssssss:daventzen i know that its a weird ship name pls dont judge

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now