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hi sorry that i havent posted in a while bc i was sick and didnt go to school either

anyways lets get back to the story

Pipers pov 

if i have to be honest its all my fault that davina punched me *i said to Emily*

Em:yeah i know we shouldnt do pranks like that to her anymore

Me:you are right i will apoligize to her bc i knew that the prank wasnt going to go as plan 

Em:oh look hunter is here

hunter:piper if u want to apoligize do it now bc davina wants to leave she feels very bad rn

me:okay i will go now

while im walking towards davinas room i think:what if she already left what if she hates me

i finally got to her room and see her crying in her bed 

i slowly walk over to her and hug her she hugs me back i feel so bad

davinas pov

i feel the need to cry so i cry in my pillow and while im still crying i feel someone hug me and i decided to hug the person back  i just needed a hug rn and i got one.after im done with crying i look up and see the person who was huggin me all this time..............piper

Jentzens pov

i feel bad for davina and piper i like davina and i know that she hates me now 

we all thought that it would be a good prank but it backfired very badly now piper has a wounded nose and davinas very upset 

hiya its the writer here!

ty all for the 700 reads i couldnt believe it when i logged back in the account its wonderfull

i hope that everyone has a good day/night 

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now