Vacation day!

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Pipers pov

it was 7:30 am and everyone from the squad plus hunter and my mom are here and i we are ready to go.

we were with too much people for 1 car we went with 2

hunter drives the jeep and my mom drives the tesla after we figured that out we decided to make our own groups bc why not the groups were Emily,Jenna,hunter and elli the second group was Davina,Jentzen,Lev,mom and myself ofc.Davina and i sat in the middle davina on the right side next to Jentzen and i sat on the left side next to lev mom sat in the front.

Davina decided to play some roblox with elliana and since they werent in the same car they were also calling eachother.Lev and Jentzen were talking to eachother and i was scrolling on tiktok.

Davinas pov

i was getting tired so i said bye to elli and slept on jentzens shoulder for 2 hours!!

jentzen:Davina wake up we are here

me:no let me sleep please:(


*jentzen picked her up*

like this but imagin the girl sleeping

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like this but imagin the girl sleeping

lets skip to when ur on the airplane 

u woke up btw

the seat groups were lev,piper and emily group 2 is jentzen,davina and elliana

piper and elliana fell asleep over an hour ago

5 hours later 

we landed and piper brought her camera out,we went inside to grab our suitcases and got into 2 taxis.

30 minutes later

we got out of the taxis and did the intro of pipers youtube channel.After that we went inside the hotel and got our keys.2 people sleep in one hotel room 

the groups were

lev and jentzen 

piper and davina

emily and elliana

hunter and our mom

piper and i got our keys and went inside the room it was very pretty 

piper:today we are going to relax bc we had a very long flight today.

me:kk i am going to watch some tv.

piper:kk i am going with lev to the pool.

me:k see u later!

*i was watching brent rivera when someone texted me*



loverboy<3:hey dav wanna hang out

someone<3:yeah sure im coming in 1 minute

Loverboy<3:see you soon:)



i was getting my hotel key my phone my charger and my phone

1 minute later

*i knocked on jentzens door*

*Jentzen opens it*

jentz:hey davina!

u:hey jentz


hii everyone a short chapter again im sorry

ty all for 1,9k reads!! and for 50+ votes 

i worked 2 days on this one only bc i get distracted very easily and i am out of ideas


412 words

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now