just something important

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Hello everyone,as some of you know i dont  upload that often anymore and the reason behind that is:im out of ideas*jazz hands*

and also im sick and my head hurts a little to much plus i just got braces so it hurts very much to talk or anything and some of you may think what has braces to do with you not posting for so long?? well its because most of the time i am brushing...

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and also im sick and my head hurts a little to much plus i just got braces so it hurts very much to talk or anything and some of you may think what has braces to do with you not posting for so long?? well its because most of the time i am brushing my teeth(bc food gets stuck between the bracec),or sleeping because i know im not the only one who sleeps a little to much when they are sick anyways and if im not sleeping or brushing my teeth i am doing my homework because i have tests coming soon so i have to study

and also if you dont like anything of this story just message me and dont say it in the comments please (dont hate me for it)and if you do say it nicely please

anyways thats all i had to say i hope that you have agood morning/afternoon/night<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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