sleepover part 5

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Emilys pov

i am the first to wake up but i cant sit up Davina is laying against me i slowly put her next to jentzen and go upstairs to take a shower.

15 minutes later

when i was done showering i put on some clothes and stay in pipers room for a bit after 10 minutes piper elliana and lev come in pipers room 

Me:hey gm

Elli:hi how did you sleep?

Me:good you?

Elli:i slept fine

Piper:have you seen Davina and Jentzen!?

Me:yeah i put davina there bc she was laying against me and i was going to shower

Lev,Piper and Elli:oooooooh

Davinas pov

i woke up but somthing felt weird..

i look next to me 

holy doodoo 


And lev,piper,elli and emily left to go upstairs i think.

i start to slowly get up and sneak to my room and fall asleep again

Jentzens pov

when i was asleep i felt somthing on my chest and when i woke there was nothing...


anyways i go to pipers room and say goodmorning to everyone only theres one person missing....Davina! oh and i may have a little crush on her......

Anyways i am still questioning where she is  tho.....

and im kinda tired still

i said to them that i was going to the toilet but actually i was going to search for Davina first i check the livingroom next i check the backjard after that i check her room and........Found her

but shes still sleeping she has a comfterable couch 

but shes still sleeping she has a comfterable couch 

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i go to sleep again.

pipers pov

i was a little suspicous Jentzen has been gone for 15 minutes!

i go to search for him and i found him laying on Davinas couch


Heya its the writer here!

thank for 50+ reads!! im very thankfull i hope everyone has a good day bye<3

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now