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davinas pov

i eventually fell asleep on jentzen

the next day

i woke up at 7:30 in someones arms but idk whos arms these are...oops i forgot i am in jentzens hotel room.Wait a second...IM IN JENTZENS HOTEL ROOM!!

i tried to sneak out of the bed but he wouldnt let me

jentzen:1 more hour please?

davina:k but just one okay?

Jentzens:mhm*he goes back to sleep*

*u go back to sleep too*

3 hours have passed its now 10:30

*jentzen woke up*

Jentzens pov

i turned on my phone

and saw that it was almost 11 am!! i got up and let davina sleep but before i left i texted her saying that i was coming in a few after that i got her extra hotel key and went to her hotel room .i opened the door and saw piper and lev watching some Tv.

piper:is she still asleep??

jentz:yes she is 

i have planned this date since the flight to Hawaii and today im asking her to be my girlfriend i hope that she says yes.

Lev:piper and i got all the stuff yesterday 

jentz:thx can u both help me set this up please?

piper:sure imma put on my shoes on 

Lets skip to 30 minutes later everything is set up and davina is already up.

Davinas pov

i just got out of the shower and blowdried my hair

ur hairstyle

and ur clothes

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and ur clothes

and ur clothes

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and ur shoes

i was ready and decided to text jentzen

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i was ready and decided to text jentzen.

loverboy<3 changed to my weirdo

someone<3 changed to my chihuahua

My weirdo

my chihuahua:hii im done!

my weirdo:kk i am going to pick you up now 


jentzens outfit

5 minutes later

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5 minutes later

*jentzen opened the door*

Jentz:u have to put this blindfold on


jentzen:its a suprise

*u put the blindfold on*

jentzen:come i will lead the way 


lets skip to the picknick

jentzen:u can take ur bindfold of now


*u take ur blindfold off*

*u see most of ur fav foods on the blanket*

*u hug jentzen and say*

u:ty jentzen its beautifull!

30 minutes later

jentzen:davina can i ask u somthing?

u:sure what is it?

Jentzen:i know that i have only known u for 4 months but do u want to be my girlfriend?


and this was the begining of Daventzens love story.

have u seen the new interview with the squad and 4 fans? analise was acting a little weird she was flirting with both lev and jentzen...

i will add her to the story tho for some drama

anyways thx for 2.4k reads!!

Pipers older sister reader X Jentzen ramirezWhere stories live. Discover now